SKARNER REWORK NEW GAMEPLAY PREVIEW – League of Legends. The latest on Skarner’s rework, including an update on his narrative, art, and gameplay abilities, new impale AOE ultimate preview, new earth elemental theme, new region moving to Ixtal from Shurima, new earth elemental theme and removal of crystal theme.


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50 thoughts on “SKARNER REWORK NEW GAMEPLAY PREVIEW – League of Legends”

  1. Skarner is one of my favourite champions, find him very fun to play. But i can see why he's not that interesting to many people, especially compared to modern designed champions

  2. enowned for its mastery of elemental magic, Ixtal was one of the first independent nations to join the Shuriman empire. In truth, Ixtali culture is much older—part of the great westward diaspora that gave rise to civilizations including the Buhru, magnificent Helia, and the ascetics of Targon—and it is likely they played a significant role in the creation of the first Ascended.

    But the mages of Ixtal survived the Void, and later the Darkin, by distancing themselves from their neighbors, drawing the wilderness around them like a shield. While much had already been lost, they were committed to the preservation of what little remained…

    Now, secluded deep in the jungle for thousands of years, the sophisticated arcology-city of Ixaocan remains mostly free of outside influence. Having witnessed from afar the ruination of the Blessed Isles and the Rune Wars that followed, the Ixtali view all the other factions of Runeterra as upstarts and pretenders, and use their powerful magic to keep any intruders at bay.

  3. Can't wait to have one more champion to permaban!!!! Curious to see how his abilities will play out!!! Hes gonna nuke the whole map? Hes gonna be immortal for 5 minutes? Lets see what our buddies from Riot games prepared for us!!!

  4. I'm actually pretty upset they removed his crystal thematic. I that has some important thematics and makes for a potential conflict in the world. Also Means we aren't ever get Crystal Scar back.

  5. Retconning the crystal lore to keep Seraphine pure and innocent? That's a coward's solution! Especially since a connection between the two has such a great potential – Seraphine and Skarner are pretty much polar opposites in terms of the kind of people who appreciate them. Making a story where they become friends could boost Skarner's popularity and take the edge off of Seraphine's haters.

    How could they become friends? Come on, it's magic, use your imagination. Maybe Seraphine could help Skarner communicate with his old family. Maybe they could somehow merge their powers to help bring the Brackern back – if not actually restore the dead Brackern, at least create a new generation. Maybe Brackern don't have the same feelings about using their dead as a power source that humans would.

  6. They should do a three stack system where after 3 stacks his next auto stuns that champ, but if he uses an ability it does more damage and his ult will chain pull champs with 3 stacks and when activated should explode like blitz ult giving all enemies in range 3 stacks and upon recast chains everyone in range

  7. I am so sad they removed the hextech… It was the key to Piltover and Zaun dynamic… It the soul reason of Camille, Singed and thus Warwick, but it also impacts Swain as he needed to find a pariah alchemist in the dark alleyways of the Zaun to get his bio-terrorist agents, thus calling urgot to wreck mayhem in Zaun…

    Skarner being a brackern was litteraly the key to so much of Runeterra, that the hextech no longer being souls of his people mean that Runeterra's politics lost ALL sense.
    Piltover's colonialism? Well they won't colonize if the desert of Shurima hold no treasure.
    Shurima's wealth? They won't have any if they are still in ruins after the Civil War between the ascended and Piltover does not pay for the right to exploit the brackern's crystal mines.
    Without the brackern Zaun doesn't get pulled down in the economy and Singed is still a renowned alchemist.
    Swain therefore doesn't get the illegal poison of singed for his noxian rebellion.
    The old noxus is therefore still in place.
    Urgot is still in place as the head executioner aka the hand of noxus.
    Darius? Who is that man, he doesn't get his position as it is Urgot's.
    Ionia's invasion? Never happened as swain didn't become tyrant and he doesn't have the bio-weapon he needed to get a hold on the shores.
    Jhin's birth? Well he grew and is mostly active in the noxian's shores of the ionai Islands, so goodbye to him as he was not exposed to the life that led him to become Jhin. Also he doesn't have the same scene to stage on as he loved to kill morally corrupt people, or tragic ones and without the invasion, no Gangrin, no legion deserter, no desperate ionian (don't recall the name of that adept)
    Meaning there isn't a public ennemy number one in Ionia.
    The terror of Zaun Warwick? Killing criminal and people nearby? Well he was an experiment singed did because after his contract with swain he had nothing boom, Thanos snapped.
    Dr Mundo? Litteraly the same story. Meaning Zaun is a lot safer place and has a lot more political power over its elder sister.
    Camillus family isn't a power figure in the inner politics of the city of progress, and she isn't removing threat to Piltover from the streets of the city.
    And finally : Skarner isn't marching towards piltover to save his kind.

    And all that : because they didn't want Seraphine to look bad.
    You can remove them in game, no prob, you can not make him appear in arcane that would be fine too, you can say seraphine is oblivious to the brackern being torn apart from their bodies to become batteries. But you can't remove the brackern from the hextech without killing them and exploding it all.

  8. Garbage lore remake. They really didn't even need to change the crystal thematic, but just rework the model (hopefully removing that dumb human-like face they gave him) and make the crystals integrate (be more visible) when using his skills.

    His abilities could be reworked to make him a tank-ish AP peeler+initiator:

    * The absolutely meh passive should change completely and have it get AP from bonus armor and bonus armor from AP (and call it "Crystalline Resonance", for example)
    * His Q should be made into something called like "Twin Pinch" where he can hit up to two separate targets (or just one for extra effect, if isolated) with his claws, slowing and damaging them and refresh the slow using AAs (making his model perform different AA animations on targets affected by this ability)
    * His W should give armor (and thus added AP due to passive), % magic damage received converted to speed for the duration, and get a re-castable effect where he can shoot out in a circle his carapace as crystal shards (like Xayah feathers) but losing the bonus armor and speed, automatically recalling these crystals at the end of the skill duration (visibly reforming on the model), slightly displacing towards him and damaging enemies hit by these crystals
    * His E can be turned into a short dash/jump that also hits with the stinger. If it doesn't hit a champ then it should hit the ground, sticking the tip of his stinger into it and deal AOE damage. Hitting a champ should stick the crystal tip in them (with it moving around along with them). Re-casting E should explode the stinger and deal AOE damage, wherever it is (within a max range)
    * His R should interact with his E and make is so that it recalls it from wherever it is (again, within a max range), dragging champs between the stinger tip and Skarner to the scorpion's location (making it so a champ that has the tip in them thinks twice before retreating behind his teammates or risk having Skarner drag all of them to him). Successfully casting it and dragging champs should make Skarner steal xx% of each dragged champ's AP for a duration. Minions and monsters should also be pulled and damaged but while offering no AP bonus.

    There ya fucking go. A modern champion with a lot of team fight utility that's fun to use and that can still jungle and gank. No thematic change and no other BS. This can also add a dimension to the lore where Skarner is kind of a mage hunter, powerful magic being what awoke him since his crystals are sensitive (and capacitive) to it.

  9. Suprisingly there gonna make him a hero since riot said they'll be putting a "king kong" vibe which i would like and would be interest to see on my boi skarner but im glad he'll finally get a spotlight!

  10. im pleasantly surprised all of these ideas sound like very interesting changes for the scorpion. that being said i hope its not just more absurdly broken nonsense on release that requires multiple nerfs and hotfixes and mini reworks to get to an acceptable power lvl.

  11. Sad that the league community voted for this shit champ for a rework, they should’ve just deleted that trash and reworked nocurne or trynd. Nocturne had potential to be one of the coolest champs in the game. Next time vote for champs with potential not because the champ is wholesome or seen as chad. Dumbass community

  12. unenjoyable my azz, I really like Skarner and has been using him for almost 8 years now, I'll admit that before Predator rune existed it was hard to manhandle enemies like a trafficking syndicate in a white van, but still even Predator exists today I prefer the old ways… Ghost Smite/Ignite, Deadman's and Tri Force and/or Lich Bane

  13. Morgana/Lux have been rooting people and inducing rage for 10+ years please change the champions. Give some counterplay other than dodge the skillshot every 1.2 seconds. Also why can every champion ignore terrain. Navigating the terrain with 3rd q riven jumps used to be cool. Not anymore with every champion having an ability that makes them go through walls. JUST CHANGE THE ABILITY ITS NOT HARD.

  14. Please don't ruin Skarner's design
    Please don't ruin Skarner's design
    Please don't ruin Skarner's design
    Please don't ruin Skarner's design
    Please don't ruin Skarner's design
    Please don't ruin Skarner's design

  15. The fact that they consider him a "good or lawful" champion is wild to me. Not really talking about the lore so much but the way he is in game. He definitely comes across as chaotic evil IMO.


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