Single Mothers Hate Involved Fathers

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They actually can’t stand when fathers are active and involved in their children’s lives. Let’s talk!

#single #dating #relationship

Book Commercial Music Credit:
Music: Cherry Blossom
Musician: EnjoyMusic
About Me
My name is Kendra (my government name), but I’m also known around the Black Manosphere as DJ Fish Grease. That’s because I COOK, and I’m talking DEEP FRY, the foolishness that goes on in our communities. I’m really not a mean person, I just have a low tolerance for people, groups or institutions that play games with the lives of people I love. Like many of you, I fought the clutches of feminism (by extension, the gynocracy) all my life and I have happily supported Red Pill men throughout my lifetime (my father, husband, son, family members and friends.) I consider myself a Red Pill woman since birth. I was in a 20 year marriage before my husband passed away. He and I raised two children together (I have no biological kids, I raised my brother and sister practically from birth.) I belonged to a local Baptist Church but converted to Islam at the age of 18 – so I have a connection and a strong knowledge of both. After being widowed for five years, Allah blessed me with a wonderful husband. We share a beautiful and unbreakable bond, and were wed on April 26, 2023! I finally left my hometown of Chicago to join my husband in NYC, and we’re looking forward to this awesome new chapter in our lives together!

About The Channel
This show is a place where I invite you to travel with me on feminine journey. Get ready to talk, laugh, scream and cry as we come to understand who we are and the value we possess as Black women. As a woman over 40, I have lots of wisdom to impart with a unique and unapologetic perspective. I will discuss topics I have conducted years of study on or thoroughly researched. This is a place of sisterhood, knowledge, wisdom, and healing. We will go from surviving, to striving, to thriving as we reclaim the values that made us more powerful as women, as mothers, as daughters, as sisters, as wives, and as a community.

About You
If you are a woman (or a young girl) looking for a friendly space with powerful information, tools and solutions you’ve come to the right place. Our goal is to give you a daily dose of feminine power from a Red Pill perspective while having fun doing it.

I want ladies to benefit from my channel in 5 distinctive ways:
1. Understand feminism and the gynocracy
2. Raise your level of awareness and consciousness
3. Utilize the 10 Life Values and other proven methods
4. Completely understand your female nature & nurture
5. Master your femininity to fulfill your supporting role

So, please make yourselves comfortable and enjoy!

Kind regards,
Kendra – Femininity Coach & Author

Show Times:
The Morning Show 11:00am EST Mon-Sat (15m max)
Live Cookout Show 5:30pm EST Mon-Fri (1hr max)
Sponsored Videos Upon Request
1on1 Coaching – email me @ [email protected]
Cash App: $crimsoncure


27 thoughts on “Single Mothers Hate Involved Fathers”

  1. This happened to me and at 57 I'm just understanding my purpose and place in the world as a man!! But I have lost so much time and missed out on so many opportunities there are only so many things I can do with my life now!!

  2. Its crazy even though this is very rare, in my case and of the case with my siblings. I have to beg them to be with their boys. So although the women in most cases act like this. There are some cases where the woman wants the man to be there more, to have more input and the men don't do it.

  3. The worst part of parental alienation like this is: the mothers 9 times out of 10 aren't putting a wedge between the father and son in order to "save" their child. They are doing it as a way to forever be seen as the "good cop" in the situation. So that the boy clings to the mother regardless of how ratchet or terrible she may eventually begin to be as the boy grows older. And thus begins the newest cycle of what has become known as "emotional incest." Where mothers gain emotional validation from their male children, as a way to pacify the reality that the man she chose to bear said child with is gone. Either because he wasn't ish when they met, or she ran him off. Either way, these boys eventually always come out messed up. In the 3 ways the father pointed out in the video. Due to the truth that moms, no matter how intelligent, accomplished, smart, or loving they may be; they ARE NOT MEN!! And thus can NEVER raise a boy to be one!!! What so many of them believe to be "nurturing," in reality is Neutering!! Leaving their male child completely unprepared for the world he will eventually go out into. Furthermore, listen to how selfish and sick she is by telling her son "WE don't need him." This is disgusting and childish!! That man doesn't need YOU!!! Regardless of how ever you may feel about that man, he is STILL THE OTHER HALF OF THAT CHILD!! And you taking them away is messing up that kid for your own selfishness!! And ppl wonder why the succeeding generations of boys are so messed up?!🤦🏾‍♂️🤔

  4. We hear so much about the deadbeat fathers(black in particular). However, we rarely talk about the mothers creating disfunction between the father and child so the kids grow hating the father.

    If the child grows up and becomes something, they celebrate the mother. Yet, if they fail in life, the father is at fault. That's the norm(especially in the black community).

    The mothers often create the very men they end up hating.

  5. Controlling

    Every time a man tries to establish any kind of order and structure with a woman or children, he's gonna be shamed.

    Yet, women ask where are these same men at. Smh

  6. Men only you can stop impregnating these women !!! Really tho is that lil 30 second Nutt worth all of those damn problems….I have watched folks go through this crap for years….Don’t you know you are connected to that damn woman all you life is it worth it ????? Get Dic Control n Birth Control you damn lives would be much better 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆

  7. This is why we can't raise our young blk men to be men.
    These chick's want to raise son husbands so they will always have a man they can control and boss around. This is our future, sad but all true

  8. I’m a Black man. When I would take my son out I got eye rolls, chicks bumping into me, snickering and evil eyes, mostly from “sistas.” My own mother threatened multiple times to call the state while I was trying to talk to him about not lying and the importance of learning math. It hurt until I realized they are agents for the chaos agenda. Me and my son spend everyday together and I’m teaching him the game. There is a GOD and the Most High is watching it all. Please believe!

  9. She said "because you run yours like a boot camp". But as soon as the boy reaches 18-21 she will say to that boy you need to join the military to teach you how to be a man!!!!!🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


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