Singapore Airlines flight: Passengers tell of horror flight in which British man dies | BBC News

One person has died, with several injured, after severe turbulence on a London to Singapore flight.

Authorities at Bangkok airport said the victim was a 73-year-old British man who “likely” died from a heart attack.

Seven people are seriously injured – the wife of the British man who died has gone to hospital.

Anyone not wearing a seat belt was “launched into the ceiling”, one passenger said.

Singapore Airlines said the flight experienced “sudden extreme turbulence” over Myanmar.

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21 thoughts on “Singapore Airlines flight: Passengers tell of horror flight in which British man dies | BBC News”

  1. There IS no warning when clear air turbulence occurs. Also, it didn't drop 6,000 feet, but, apparently, climbed and dropped several times over several hundred feet at a time

  2. Not the first time several people have been sent to hospital as a result of clear air turbulence when unsecured by not keeping their seatbelt on at all times when seated

  3. This is terrible and should have never happeend that is why there is advanced meteorology and weather technology to detect turbulence like this the pilot and company should be held liable for flying, at the minimum the company the continuing to run this route at that projected time. someone literally lost their life.


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