A World War 2 Soldier Was Found Frozen in Ice! | Secrets In the Ice | Science Channel

In 2005, a group of ice climbers stumbled upon a frozen body buried in the ice. The body wore military clothes, making experts wonder if the soldier was on a secret mission at his demise.
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A World War 2 Soldier Was Found Frozen in Ice! | Secrets of the Ice | Science Channel


44 thoughts on “A World War 2 Soldier Was Found Frozen in Ice! | Secrets In the Ice | Science Channel”

  1. God bless you young soilder. 🙏 thank you so much for your service ❤️. MY you rest in peace 🙏 i pray the other two soldiers who lost their lives make it home someday for a decent burial 🙏

  2. I was hiking in 1964 on the John Muir trail in California and came across the throttle assembly of an aircraft. A single engine aircraft. That's just under 60 yrs ago,

  3. I think I know what really happened: The reason why the government made a fake burial was because he crashed in the ice and he saw/discovered something he wasn't meant to find. So he found a way to signal passing by cadet's, but it wasn't cadet's it was g-men, Leo showed them what he found, they killed him, cut off his leg to make look like he died in the crash, and made a fake burial to cover it up. It's simple. 🛸👽

  4. I saw a TV series recently that revisited WW2 plane crash sites, and then did a modern investigation into why it crashed. One particular episode concerned a B-17 that crashed in the States on its last training flight. An interesting and quite shocking fact revealed, was that during WW2, the US miliary lost over 25,000 aircrew members, killed just in training flight accidents. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this sacrifice.

  5. Never found in Alaska? Hale Boggs and Nick Begich, two members of Congress have been missing since 1972. Their flight was known about and the search went on for years. Still not found.

  6. Of all the things we hope for in our lives, i hope we all dont have to wait 81 years for our bodies to be found. Everybody that knew he went missing waited their whole lives for him to be found, only to die before he was. Rest easy Leo 🤟🏻

  7. I used to work at an Aviation museum and this wreck was because during WWII training accidents were common among all branches of the military especially the USAAF.

  8. Secret messages? The explanation by the experts was sophomoric. Their must have been hundreds of airman lost training during WW2 and after. My uncle had to bailout of B-17 in that general area, he survived.

  9. name plate, do you mean 'Dog Tags"…. sure look like dog tags. Have never heard them call a name plate before. As for trying to jazz this up with all that "secret" speculation…bad taste, not to mention silly.


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