Should You Play Starfield?

Should you play Starfield? Is it worth it? Let’s chat with Renfail as he dives into Bethesda’s sci-fi RPG to discuss the pros and cons and if you should play Starfield or not. Follow along with Renfail’s second playthrough of Starfield here


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15 thoughts on “Should You Play Starfield?”

  1. Follow along with Renfail's second playthrough of Starfield, this time in Survival Mode.

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  2. I’d love to I gotta get a laptop upgrade lol. Side note, Dark and Darker is finally released free to play on steam after their long delay. I played the alphas back a year ago and it was a blast.

  3. You’re totally forgiven for not mentioning it. But I’m under the impression that Starfield has also introduced a novel way of approaching NG+. Although I have yet to enter the Unity myself and I’ve done my best to avoid spoilers regarding it, I’m really looking forward to the multiverse aspect of this game. Also, being that this aspect of the game is deftly incorporated into Starfields logo; it would appear that Bethesda intended this to be a very important feature of the game. Maybe the most important?

  4. I like No Man's Sky, and (according to Steam) have over 1200 hours in that game. I don't play it much anymore, but will go back into it to check out new stuff. I'm currently playing through the "Adrift" expedition. I also have over 1200 hours in Starfield now. Why choose? Play both! 🙃

  5. When you first start the game, the Settled Systems are a hot mess. But you can fix ALL of that and make everyone's lives better. In some cases, a lot better. Or. You can just care about yourself and make everyone's lives worse. In some cases, a lot worse. You'll find out a lot about yourself if you play Starfield. And that's reason enough to give it a go right there.

  6. I just love how positive you are about games in general, because it sicking to see people only talk negative about games, as if the PS1 games with 8bit graphics were better…
    Nothing against PS1 era, but let's not act that the new games are bad, with everything they bring to the table.

    Starfield, is very close to being my game of the year, granted, I think Stellar Blade would take that title, as this game is amazing as well!

  7. "should you play":
    – if you like slowpaced immersive games with lots of freedom. -> yes
    – if you can only survive on 27 cans of Monster and superhigh levels of sugar and adrenaline and you need intant gratification all the time -> no
    That simple. 😁

  8. So glad I discovered this channel. Mostly because the comment section is so supportive of this game! I love this game and I can’t express that on any other platform without getting attacked


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