Should the UK try to improve relations with the EU? | Richard Hewison and Patrick O’Flynn debate

‘Does taking a nicer tone do anybody any harm?’

‘My test is, what do we want from France?’

Richard Hewison and Patrick O’Flynn debate whether the UK should adopt a more ‘positive’ outlook towards the EU.

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22 thoughts on “Should the UK try to improve relations with the EU? | Richard Hewison and Patrick O’Flynn debate”

  1. The french also threatened to cut off the electricity to the Channel Islands simply because we had the nerve to ask french fisherman to follow the rules for fishing in OUR waters!

  2. He talks about the victims of rape and retraumatising the victims.
    Does he mean like the muslim grrooming rapists in Rochdale who still walk the streets years after being ordered to be deported, free to meet their victims when out and about every day, or the man who actually was being deported until woke passengers on the plane kicked up a stink about him being deported until he was removed from the plane and back on British soil….even though he and several other illegal immigrants had taken turns to hold a British woman down and rape her repeatedly over a period of hours? She said she was afraid to leave her house anymore when she heard he was removed from the plane. When the passengers found out after the event what he was being deported for, it was basically a shoulder shrug and "..oh well..".
    If he doesn't want to retraumatise rape victims then lets control our borders and deport the convicted!!!
    Or don't Britsh rape victims count??

  3. WOW re-join the EU??? Never!!! Macron is a bully and seems to think that if he shouts loud enough he will get what he wants he also thinks he is in charge. As for Teresa May. Macron and Merkle played her with so much kindness and she simply rolled over. Its not about being nice or hard. Its about showing that diplomacy works well with sticking to the reason why they are in talks. Europe is too used to UK being soft and manipulates it well. As for the remainers. I feel its because Brussels has done everything for these countries with their laws and rules. Now people have become too lazy to do it properly for their own country. Its as if these remainers are too scared to have a country who are self sufficient. To me! That is not being patriotic and a true Brit because the remainers really want to sell the UK down the line. .

  4. The EU Protected Single Market is a hostile act against the rest of the world and even against most of the people and businesses in the EU.

    Best way to get growth is to scrap VAT, the Eurotax.

  5. With all the crisis happening, it has really affected the stock market, one needs to have a different portfolio
    I already invested in forex and crypto which are really profitable

  6. Telling them to fook off should help.
    I did spell fook correctly but a "friendly message" came up telling me to "Help Us To Keep Our Comments Respectful" yada yada. This censorship BS is too much. Come on Elon buy this cr*p platform too ffs. Speaking in code and deliberately mis-spelling is the new normal.

  7. If you are nice in business negotiations you are unsuccessful. Same can be said of political negotiations. Only difference is business men understand this, politicians don't.

  8. Truss should not go near the eu with a barge pole, they are not to be trusted, this is a given and has been proven time and again. We the people are the ones who are going to pay for this, our politicians are a bunch of very stupid people. Every one of them are there to line their own pockets and they do not have the balls or the intelligence to run a country. This has also been proven time and again since 1945. The people that are capable are nudged aside and ignored. Farage, Lewis, and a ton of others with all different points of view should be running this country but are deliberately kept out. I am just about sick to the back teeth of excuses and back peddling and ignorance. They are all going to sort our immigration, nhs, police, etc etc, and nothing is being done. Sick to death of the whole bloody lot of them. All they want is to be king of the castle and get rich in the process, look at blair. What are you going to be son, when you grow up,,,,,,,,oh daddy, "a politician" then my whole family can get rich and retire early." How the hell does keir starmer expect to win an election with people like raynor standing behind him. This whole system needs razing and starting again. vote reform and give another party a gods honest chance, they can do no worse.


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