Shonen Archive Ep 41! Gintama Ep 96-100 ft @Zenrotto

Wokey and Zenrot have watched 100eps of Gintama! Give it up for ep 100!!!

Wokey’s Twitch:


5 thoughts on “Shonen Archive Ep 41! Gintama Ep 96-100 ft @Zenrotto”

  1. Nicely done reaching the 100 mark. Just 200+ to go, and then some.😆

    Honestly it's near impossible to talk to Gintama fans in person, so watching these is a nice little way to chat and grow the fandom in itself.

    Rewatching or revisiting this series through other people's reactions is definitely one of the plus sides of Gintama.

    It's only after rewatching this reaction to episode 96 did I realize the significant implications for future set ups, which I didn't notice the first few times because of how it seemed so nonsensical and just for fun.

    Grant it I don't think Sorachi did it on purpose, but whether he did or not, it's pretty absurd he actually managed to use something out of this other than for kicks; which I'll explain when you reach that point.

    I agree. Even if Otose didn't ask him to do it, Gin wouldn't have just left Catherine to handle it on her own; even if she told him she'd be fine.

    And funny enough while he doesn't necessarily say the 'nicest' things about Catherine, when they're alone under these circumstances, he seems to be able to read her enough to understand what she needs to hear; such as the first time they ran into each other one night and he told her they were one in the same, and again when he gives her a very wise quote on how "people tend to fall and get mud all over them. But if you keep walking, the mud will eventually dry off and fall away."

    So Gintoki may not be the best in terms of short-term compliments and such, but at least he shows when he cares in his oddly wise way.

    I think it's starting to reach that point for him where he sees these ragtag misfits as one of his own, and he would do whatever it took in his ability to help them. But since he's too much of a tsundere to admit these kind of things, he tends to guise his actions in the form of "Oh, I wasn't doing it for you. I was doing it for me."

    Also the thing about her parents being sick and poor at home was real, which is why she struggled to find a job and reform for real.

    I loved how the Gura-san episode is like the equivalent of watching a little girl play pretend work as her "Dad".

    Even the way she talks felt so adorably on point. But then the act completely drops for Kagura and Shin when they realized they botched their first job without Gin. 😂

    And the couple for this episode were very endearing, especially getting their happy end when they realize they're fine.

  2. The Oowee Arc is definitely a nostalgia wave, and is usually the arc Gintama fans are eager to see new fans watching because of all the hilarious references piled in.

    (I didn't get to because of my Mom lol, but my sisters and cousins all did it; including the camping. 😆)

    Someone who reacted to this a while ago gave an interesting back story of their own Wii experience; or memories of people camping out to buy it.

    He also made a point that generations after that will probably not understand this type of experience (because of how easy it is to pre-prder it ahead of time online) , but it was definitely wild how limiting your access was to the latest game console.

    I believe the guy with the naturally big chin is a reference to a Nintendo celebrity gamer of the 1980s.

    And I don't know if the tite was either referencing the crazy era when parents didn't want their kids focusing so much on video games, or Japan when it was telling kids to play in moderation, or both lol.

    I'm pretty sure much of the references to these older and obscure anime series like Heidi, Ultraman, etc. are from Sorachi's childhood.

    In Japan they've got their equivalent anime versions of American Cartoons; a big one being Doraemon, who is Japan's childhood Mickey Mouse.

  3. God I still crack up with Hijikata's coffin situation. 🤣

    I believe the bugs they were talking about where Gin starts out poisoned and Hijikata has one life point were in fact real glitches that customers complained to the company about.

    It's weirdly funny how close to real life these gaming flaws are, such as the hilarious violence of the virtual bit. It's not exact, but similar to things like the Wii remote flying at objects and other people.

    It's hilarious how it's this arc you find out Zura's got a thing for housewives/widows and older women, and from Gin.

    Ironically the ramen lady (Ikumatsu) who Zura's shows some romantic interests in is in fact older than him by a few years, and what's more a widower.

    But he clearly respects her in a way that he won't pursue his usual predilections.

    (It'll become clear later why it is Katsura specifically goes for this demographic. )

    Weirdly Gin feels like the amalgamation of some of the best legendary samurai, including Musashi Miyamoto.

    Watching an episode of Puppet History's "Musashi" episode made me realize this.

  4. Episode 100 felt like a sort of "self jab" to Sorachi, after he'd read JUMP fan comments like "Gintama's art is ugly, plain, and boring" or "This series won't last long."

    And yet all the jokes and references feel so amazingly timeless now, especially the Dragon Ball parodies. 🤣

    I believe a reactor noted the opening they were parodying is in fact the 'exact' opening, shot for shot.

    For Gintama imitation really is their sincerest form of flattery, especially since most of the stuff he references are from his buddies like Toriyama and Araki.

    And it only gets better in later arcs and episodes. 😂

    Holy crap, Shinsengumi Crisis Arc is equivalent to the Benizakura Arc in that it will be one of the sparks to set off bigger (consecutive plot) arcs that makes this series an unparalleled GOAT tier of it's time.

    I can't wait for your reaction to that one. 😁

  5. So fun fact about Sorachi, he's almost NEVER on time for his manuscript deadlines. (Which in, retrospect, aligns with Gintoki's inability to pay rent on time. 🤣)

    According to a sort of biography that came out after the series ended, the editors "fondly" recall how they'd show up at Sorachi's place to collect his drafts (simultaneously introducing him to new editors when they'd switch out).

    One particular memory of a senior Editor and former rookie was showing up at like 10 am at his place, and he asked them what they were doing so early.

    His editor reminded him that he said he'd be here to pick up the manuscript, to which he responded, "Wait…. Didn't you say 10 PM???"

    Which he would answer "no" in an exasperated tone. He would apologize then ask them to come in and wait til he finished.

    The rookie looked dumbfounded as he asked his senior, "He's not…. Seriously making us wait til 10 pm, is he??? "

    And the Editor was basically deadpan when he answered, "…. Yup." This made the new guy realize this would be his norm… For the next 3 to 4 years. 😂


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