Shinjuku Cafe – Claire's Adventures in Rockfort Island [Resident Evil: Code Veronica] FL Studio Funk

こんにちは o(^_^*o)(o*^_^)o
after a break it’s good to continue this project
code veronica’s 90s/2000s atmosphere

rockfort island:

claire is amazing! 😘🤩
resident evil code veronica’s 2000s vibes 🥰🍹🍫☕
playstation 2/dreamcast

check this playlist for this project [re code veronica/outbreak]

check this playlist for all of my *resident evil* inspired funky music playlist:

check this playlist for all of my *jazz/funk inspired music*

track name: claire’s adventures in rockfort island
funk inspired music
resident evil inspired music
resident evil code veronica inspired music
claire redfield
fl studio claire redfield

playlist for this project
or all my resident evil inspired music tracks:

this is the resident evil/code veronica/outbreak inspired music project

mp3 file google drive:

full archive pack:
it have all my trip-hop + some other genre too
track is not yet in the archive pack but i will update it later

『バイオハザード CODE:Veronica』
resident evil: code veronica
amazing ps2/dreamcast game! love it 😍
much love for claire redfield

funk inspired music
resident evil: code veronica inspired music
made with fl studio

resident evil/code veronica/outbreak inspired music project
funky drums
funk drums

boring tags section…

tags below
jazz/funk inspired music
jazz/funk/resident evil
jazz inspired music
funk inspired music
drum breaks
funky drums
jazzy drums
funk drums
drum breaks resident evil outbreak
jazz drums
funky shinjuku
funky shinjuku project
hello japan project
fl studio jazz
fl studio funk
fl studio funky
code veronica
code veronica drum breaks
claire redfield
code veronica claire
claire code veronica
resident evil claire
resident evil claire redfield
resident evil code veronica claire
resident evil code veronica claire redfield
fl studio jazzy
resident evil drum breaks
fl studio resident evil
zombie funk
resident evil zombie funk
resident evil fl studio
funky resident evil
jazz resident evil
funk resident evil
jazz/funk inspired music
jazz/funk/silent hill inspired music
resident evil inspired music
jazz inspired music
funk inspired music
resident evil funk
resident evil jazz
resident evil funky
resident evil drums
fl studio hello japan project
resident evil
claire redfield
fl studio claire redfield
resident evil claire redfield
resident evil code veronica claire redfield
funk drum breaks
resident evil rodrigo
resident evil code veronica rodrigo
funk resident evil code veronica
resident evil code veronica funk
jazz drum breaks
fl studio funk drum breaks
fl studio jazz drum breaks
resident evil drum breaks
resident evil code veronica
thanks for watching!
見てくれてありがとう o(^_^*o)(o*^_^)o


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