Shepherd’s Live Style Segment

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8 thoughts on “Shepherd’s Live Style Segment”

  1. Rachell always amazes me with her positive energy and delightful giggle. Also how she can come out with saying something a bit risqué but does it with such flair I just break into giggling myself. It also amazes me how she always finds fun places to go for entertainment. After watching her on tv I feel like I’ve had a good workout. 🥴🏃‍♀️🍻🥂🍹. Please don’t retire Rachel.

  2. Hy, greetings from germany. IT makes me so sad about to hear, that people have negatives to say. I think they have own pronblems and have no solution about. I love to watch your shows, i love to see all of you. You all make a such great job to go to the camera and not to be a professional. Please go on and many many thanks to all of you 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Each and every one of you ladies ROCK in your own way!!!! I always enjoy watching and listening to not only the styling tips but the easy camaraderie among you.

  4. I was upset to hear some people made negative comments. All of you are so lovely inside and out. I love clothes and fashion and your shows just brighten my day! Keep up the great work! Can’t wait for my preorder Sympli dress to arrive.


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