She saved me so I came back to return the favor years later [Manga Dub]

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45 thoughts on “She saved me so I came back to return the favor years later [Manga Dub]”

  1. i havent met a single person that can explain why some parents favor one child over the other, specially when same gender and even rarely identical. it makes no logical sense, wth is wrong with these sperm and egg donors?

  2. Even though the mc's parent aren't supportive neither cared about mc, still mc has strength to go through that pain and feel worthless being in family, good thing the mc are determined to help the girl that help him during his unfortunate situation and now after few years past they meet up again and the mc repay her kindness after 7 years ago by turning her restaurant into well-known restaurant in town and also ended up marrying her.

    (I like this story because it teach us to be strong during hard time, be optimistic, hard work will pay off with patience)

  3. I can relate to Saori, but in a kind of opposite way.

    I'm the artistic type: drawing, painting, reading, acting, singing. I was usually either lost in my head, lost in a book, or lost in another world when I was drawing. My dream was to be a professional artist or cartoonist.
    My parents, on the other hand, were a mechanic and a nurse. They didn't understand their crazy son who would devote so much time to reading and drawing.
    My dad tried to teach me about mechanical and handyman stuff, but I had no head or hands for it. My mom bought me a children's watercolor painting set and a couple of paint-by-number kits for Christmas, but she showed no interest in the finished products. And she practically went ballistic when I went to an acting audition rather than a family shopping trip.
    My brother and sisters had more realistic goals, so they got more approval. And my brother could do no wrong in their eyes. My parents were in a constant state of denial concerning his lying, thievery, and drug use, claiming I was lying about him.

    So when I finally ended up as an elementary school teacher, I supported my students with whatever resources I could find to help them learn about their various dreams: books about the topics they were interested in, guidance if they were things that I knew about, helping them when the school would have talent shows and art competitions and science fairs, bringing in materials related to their dreams (a stethoscope, my own fossils, historical artifacts I'd collected, a telescope, building a raised bed garden for the school, videos relative to their dreams, etc.).
    That way they knew that there would always be one person who they could go to who understood them.
    The rewards? Glowing smiles and hugs.

  4. I think just doing the bare minimum for your own child is a sign of abuse as well and the government should have stepped in but im sure because its a story with a happy endign the other facts that would matter in the real world arent required for the story.

  5. I know people are talking about the MC’s parents being awful, but we also gotta remember that the other mothers didn’t stop MC’s mom from literally calling him worthless…

  6. I would have liked the parents and siblings to have their comeuppance but what I like about this channel is that it makes more realistic stories and not so focused on romance or idolization, so I'm fine with this ending.

  7. I was treated like this too when I was young. We have the same story but I was lucky enough that I had a Grandma. Everytime I get recognitions and awards at school they always claim the credit.

    My dad on his deathbed apologize to me over and over until his last breath. I never had any grudge against them and never wished anything bad for them.

    They doted my little brother so much but he ended up betraying my parents trust by impregnating his gf at the age of 17.

  8. I really hate parents who neglect kids, especially if there is clear favoritism towards one of the kids. If I ever have kids I'll treat them with equal love and kindness since it is what they deserve.

  9. Kaito and Saori were so wholesome together. Even tho she was already an adult when they first met, he still managed to win her heart as well 7 years later. I wouldn't mind if this story were longer.


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