Shaun Of The Dead – zombies everywhere HD

badass movie quotes – sometimes funny – sometimes dirty – sometimes violent – sometimes creepy – rarely epic

Shaun of the Dead, a 2004 film by British director Edgar Wright, is both a horror comedy and an homage to classic zombie films. The title parodies the classic horror film Dawn of the Dead (1978) by George A. Romero.

Shaun of the Dead is the first film in the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy, conceived by writers Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. The films in this trilogy feature considerable amounts of blood and the eating of a Cornetto ice cream by at least one of the protagonists. In the second film, Hot Fuzz – Two Stripped Professionals, not only do many of the actors reappear, but there are also some allusions to the predecessor. The third part of the series is The World’s End.

Wright, Pegg, Nick Frost and Jessica Hynes (“Yvonne”) previously worked together in the series Spaced, which is alluded to several times in the film. In the sequel Art, the main character played by Simon Pegg already competed against zombies in dream sequences.

Shaun of the Dead is marked by countless film quotations on the zombie genre, first and foremost the works of George A. Romero, who himself described the film as “sensational”. Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright subsequently made cameo appearances as zombies in Romero’s film Land of the Dead. Still, Shaun of the Dead is no mere parody of the genre; the relationship between Shaun and Liz plays at least as important a role, as the tagline A Romantic Comedy. With zombies. makes clear.

Shaun of the Dead was also a success outside the U.K.: In the U.S., it grossed $3.3 million in its opening weekend alone and ranked eighth on the box office charts. At over $13 million, the film grossed about twice as much in the U.S. as in the country of production.
Overall, it grossed $30,000,000 worldwide on a budget of $6,000,000.


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