Sharing our Haunted Encounters – Off Topic – #353

On this week’s Off Topic the gang shares their most haunted and creepy moments and talk about the Corn Kid, how bugs reproduce, and the current season of anime.
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#Haunted #Anime #cornboy

00:00 – Intro
1:00 – Owls vs Catfish / Red Web Halloween Special
20:00 – Our Haunted Experiences / Creepy Encounters
47:15 – The Corn Kid / Vomiting up whole dinners
56:10 – Double Jointed / This season of anime
1:07:25 – Toonami / Trevor Explains Bug Reproduction
1:19:40 – What We Do In The Shadows / Matt’s new accent


48 thoughts on “Sharing our Haunted Encounters – Off Topic – #353”

  1. catfish are far more dangerous than owls. You can eat catfish at all sorts of restaurants and discover you're horribly allergic and your throat swells shut. At worst an owl hits your windshield or grill of your car and now you have to fix it and that's it

  2. I see Matt doesn't know about the Wels catfish… It can, and will, attack prey on land, and grows huge. And it isn't even the largest species of catfish.

    Edit: Also, Owls are more terrifying than catfish every day of the week. The larger species have claws like daggers, and they are silent when on the wing. If you can hear an owl, it's because it is telling you it is there.

  3. Joe flapping his arms like a horny peacock being like 'you tellin' me you can't hear this?' My guy, owls evolved feathers to be COMPLETELY silent when they fly, they're slow, sure but dead, fucking, silent when they fly.
    Joe knows as much about owls as Brandon does about dogs, apparently.

  4. I would love to talk to Matt about his paranormal experiences. I stayed the night at the old Missouri State penitentiary and the Vallisca axe murderer house in Vallisca, Iowa. Love that shit.

  5. Skip to 0:25 (for the true intro!)
    SOO glad that I saved the !PODCAST! version of this to my Watch Later, to experience this WITHOUT the teaser/spoiler clip that some idiot loves to add to the start of the Off-Topic VODs, is far more enjoyable.

  6. I've never heard anyone say sleep paralysis isn't real. It's a physical and psychological phenomenon, doesn't need to be supernatural. Of course the rest of Joe's story does require some other explanation. He can believe the demon was real if he wants to, but it doesn't implicate the validity of the entire phenomenon.

    Edit: It's a little confusing the way he worded it. I guess if they're saying sleep paralysis is "real" to mean it actually involves supernatural entities then yeah, I suppose I don't believe as such. It has happened to me though, and I do believe it's a real phenomenon: one that involves hallucinations.

  7. You need an electrical current to detonate C4, that's why EOD recruits are told to eat the danger play doh before they are chased with tasers before they crap their pants to give them the balls to walk up to a bomb and defuse it. Also C4 is edible and an amazing diuretic.

  8. I never had sleep paralysis but I have had recurring nightmares occasionally over my life where I enter a room try to turn on the light only for it to not turn on then I try to call out to tell someone the light is out but no sound comes out and I'm just stuck there in the doorway

  9. An owl could be smart enough to decide whether or not to attack you

    A catfish is a cold soulless mouth, with a weird ass tooth-sandpaper-pad thing, a will to eat most anything, and enough size on some of them to decide to just take you with them when they choke on you

  10. I've had some kind of sleep paralysis happen to me several times. Never a demon, but along with not being able to move, I can't breathe either. I don't know if that's a common thing…? But it sure is terrifying and leaves me with a sense of panic even after I've jerked myself out of it.

  11. Owls are naturally skittish and are afraid of humans, catfish don't give a fuck who you are, they grab and thrash and pull chunks out of you. There's been numerous accounts of catfish dragging small children into the water.

  12. i need a "Matts Ad Corner" with a set that just has Mat in a rich mans smokeing jacket, a big chair, and he just describes shows that you should go watch or videos that came out recently. maybe he could do some posh ad reads too

  13. To answer the question "Which one is more terrifying: Catfish or Owls?" my answer is Catfish because I am terrified of anything underwater, definitely a giant man-sized catfish that can swallow a person.
    If the question was "Which one is more dangerous?" my answer would be Owls.
    But that wasn't the question that was asked, so I will stick to my catfish answer.

  14. I think I’m more afraid of catfish than owls just from a situational standpoint. If I found myself in that gross, murky brown water I associate catfish living in, I would be in panic mode. No matter how good a swimmer you are, a catfish is better and you probably won’t even be able to see it coming. If you were on land with an owl, you would have a better chance at fighting back if you had to. Granted, owls are known for how quiet their wings are, but as long as you aren’t a baby/ small child, I don’t think it could one shot you like one of those monster catfish that could swallow an adult whole. Is encountering a catfish less likely than encountering an owl? Probably. But I still like my chances of survival against an owl more, which is why I think catfish are scarier. Thank you for reading my essay.

  15. What ghost hunt did Trevor and Alfredo do? I'm trying to find it. Or is it something that isn't out yet?
    (Apologies for my ignorance. I can't possibly keep up with all shows!)

  16. catfish are much scarier than owls, to a human. owls are excellent predators and very good at what they do. which is hunting small rodents, birds, some bugs etc. they cannot do much damage to a human nor would they try. they have talons yes and sharp beaks, but most of em are smart enough to know going mano e mano with a person is a fight they will not win. the worst you'd probably get is if you get too close to a nest, the parents may swoop at you but that's it.
    Catfish can get stupid big. and they aren't "as smart" (you can't judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree) as owls but they don't need to be. they do just suck up whatever food they can. but because they're so big there is a risk of a human getting sucked up by one. i think at that point though it's very very rare. just observe safe swimming habits. don't litter folks.
    now what i would love to see, a discussion on who would win, mothman or the fishman/creature from the black lagoon. win in what, a fight? a duel? a slam poetry session? yes.

  17. a circle of bats right as the sun was setting ay? by an abandoned(?) building? yeah that sounds pretty normal. i mean like. there's bats that regularly fly out of a bridge in austin that is very much in use. that's just what bats do. makes for a cool moment though i hope they got it on film.


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