Shanghai Residents Face Food Shortages Amid Strict Covid Lockdowns | WSJ

As Shanghai remains locked down amid China’s biggest Covid-19 outbreak, residents are taking to social media to vent about a shortage of food or they’re bartering with neighbors. Anxiety and hunger are prompting many to question Beijing’s pandemic strategy. Photo: Chinatopix Via AP

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25 thoughts on “Shanghai Residents Face Food Shortages Amid Strict Covid Lockdowns | WSJ”

  1. Zero covid case is a LIE. They say there's zero cases but in actuality the positive case people are just hidden in quarantine facilities and then they boast 'ZERO COVID CASES' ….except that's OUTSIDE of the quarantine zones

  2. Thank you for speaking out. But for your information, the Chinese spoken at the beginning of the video was not entirely Mandarin. It was a mix of Shanghai dialect and Mandarin

  3. ​+Thanks remembers LORD Holy son Cross-blood? Prays Rev. 22:12 " Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. Matt. 4:17+ Rev. 22:12.Prays+

  4. Food & medicine deliveries are not happening all over the city. Only the rich & foreigners are getting anything. City officials and even cops & quarantine workers are stealing donated food, keeping some, and selling some!

  5. 3 years now, that I know of, of back to neck major flooding & bizarre weather. The CCP releases floodwaters into unknowing villages and destroy all crops & livestock at the same time. Not to mention killing citizens, their livelihoods, and ruining their homes & belongings.


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