Shadows of Yharnam AI Freeze | New Bloodborne Fog Gate Glitch

these games man

Shadows of Yharnam AI Freeze | New Bloodborne Fog Gate Glitch


33 thoughts on “Shadows of Yharnam AI Freeze | New Bloodborne Fog Gate Glitch”

  1. Теперь перед каждым боссом можно туман раздвигать? Сначала Людвиг теперь Тени, кто следующий

  2. Could you explain? Is it just being positioned on the corner at a specific distance away? Or turning away while being in the touch radius, so not getting the written prompt but using the gate anyway deaggros the boss?

  3. I can confirm it's working. I had trouble lining it up at first because my character is a dude and their stance is different from the female characters so I couldn't get it exactly how you stood in the video. The key is to face the rocks and be right on the edge of where you can press the entry button then try to jerk forward and press X at the same time. If most of your body is in the rocks while you enter you probably did it right.

  4. Oh my god. I wish you could have found this back when I was playing bloodborne lmao. I hated the shadows so much i ended up doing the OoB glitch (i did it 2 or 3 times) but it was so hard. They were the ONLY challenge in the game for me and the only part I didnt look forward to in new runs. This is a godsend and i'll remember it if any of my friends play it in the future. Can someone confirm, is this as easy as it looks?

    EDIT: It works with Ludwig too? That was the hardest DLC boss. Nice!
    And i hate Amelia in NG. This is great

  5. Didn't realize i was already there until the 3 bosses health came up lol and i got my ass handed to me. Was gonna try this but it took me an hour just to find the darn place. I was on a good streak beating all bosses on my first try until this. Well bsb gave me trouble but i still past it. Now to try this again. It didn't even give me the option to enter the fog gate i was just walking and all of a sudden the boss fight started. I panicked and went to equip my fire paper and instead i unequipted it haha well I'll just have to try again. Edit:tried this didn't work i just ended up beating this boss or bosses straight up 2nd try my heart is still pounding lol my suggestion for people having trouble if this glitch doesn't work is keep moving use fire or bolt paper it works so good it's basically like witches of hemwick boss except they summon snakes instead of witches. And make sure to have a few antidotes on hand cause you can get poisoned. But thank you for this video anyways it's an awesome video it just wouldn't work for me for what ever reason. But i still appritiate you making it. May the good blood guide you!and good luck fellow hunters.


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