Shadows Change | DLC Speculation Video

#totalwar #warhammer #shadowsofchange
Predicting what will be in the upcoming Shadows of Change DLC for TOTAL WAR: Warhammer III. With Legendary Lords and Units from Kislev, Cathay and Tzeentch – there’s a lot to cover! Will we get another dragon or will Total War throw in a monkey wrench? Let’s talk about it together!

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00:00 Intro
0:53 Tzeentch DLC
05:47 Kislev DLC
08:04 Cathay DLC


34 thoughts on “Shadows Change | DLC Speculation Video”

  1. I really don't think a Dragon Sibling should be a Legendary Hero, it'd be like releasing an Elector Count as a Hero, their the most senior rulers of an entire nation.

    They should get new characters for legendary heroes, and as far as I'm aware, Tzeench could also get the Hero and I think it should be the blue horrors.

  2. What I like is how we have Cody Bonds and other analysts agree on some things, but also disagree on others.
    Total War has "totally" changed the Warhammer lore, to the point that anything can happen now.
    It is fitting that the first major DLC is "Shadows of Change," almost as if it is a homage to how much Total War has changed the Warhammer world.
    I love it!

  3. I would like to see more barrier focussed skirmishers, meaning I hope all Tzaangors are implemented as a low armour, large barrier units, similar to Blue/Pink horrors.

    Tzaangors (infantry) could be a unit that comes in a melee and archer variant. The archers have Warpflame arrows. Both units move at Gor Herd speed, meaning 38 speed (key to barrier recovery).

    Tzaangor Skyfires appear to have bows and Tzeentch doesn’t have more than one ranged flying unit currently, this could solve that issue perfectly. Which should probably also come with Warpflame arrows.

    Tzaangors enlightened could be implemented as anti-large flying melee units with Sundered armour on weapons (spawn of tzeentch effect). Effectively acting as a flying support unit, most mobile tzeentch hit and run units lack armour piercing, this could completement them exceptionally well.

    The idea of combing Tzaangors Enlightened with Sundered armour and Warpflame from Tzaangor Skyfires to lower a unit’s armour and have a unit like knights or doom knights capitalize on it sounds like a lot of fun and makes me pretty excited, it adds another layer of complexity that could be very fun to try and pull off. Combining the roles and abilities of units to complement each other is something that sounds very thematic to tzeentch.

  4. I still think we are gonna the fire dragon as the legendary lord. who I think instead will turn into a Phoenix and bring with him a Phoenix type flying monster.

    I think the monkey king will be the paid legendary hero. I don’t see him leading a Cathay army but rather like the hobgoblin for the chaos dwarves I think he’ll be all about buffing those monkey troops

  5. I think the Change = Changeling logic is really poor honestly. Tzeentch is literally the God of Change, all of his units ramble on about, I think going off of the DLC name and homing in on the Changeling cause of that is pretty silly. And odd to discount the mortals when CA outright said the MonoGods aren't daemon only and there are mortal characters who will be monogod. That was the main point of that Champions of Chaos blog.

  6. Why does everyone forget the only guy who actually works for a Tzeentch lord? Galruanch. He's an immortal Daemon dragon, possessed by a Lord of Change and the original Chaos Dragon. He fits in as being a Front Line fighter, while retaining the magic Tzeentch is known for, and He's also thematic for going up against Cathay and their Dragon Lords.

  7. I can’t see a Cathay dragon being a legendary hero that doesn’t make sense and same goes for monkey king controlling Cathay units and dragons that not lore friendly if the monkey gonna be in it he will be a legendary hero and a ally too the Cathay dragon not a leader too the dragon so it’s mostly be fire dragon as a legendary lord and monkey king as a legendary as a legendary hero because they team up to fight kuresh

  8. Bane Towers of Tzeentch are from Dreadfleet, which are essentially flying magical towers that can shoot.
    Think of a Sky Junk, but propably with either a magical attack, slow or bound skills/passive.

    Would be very fitting for Tzeentch.

  9. God I would love to play the monkey general, that sounds really cool and fresh.

    Also, while I find this sentiment pretty annoying most of the time, the meme potential for the monkey king would be unlimited. Tarriff would have work cut out for him for months

  10. Personally i love the idea that the blue scribes could be a hero unit that randomly gets 3 spells from any lore of magic then once you use one it rerolls those 3.

    Im also still hopeful they manage to work in the pink horrors splitting into blues somehow.


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