Evolutionists PANIC Over James Webb Telescope Pics

New images from the James Webb telescope expose multiple inconsistencies in the big bang theory. This has put evolutionists into a state of panic as they try to make sense of the new information. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Dr. Gabi Haynes, Bodie Hodge, and Rob Webb share their perspectives on the matter as Bible-believing Christians.

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“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

Aired on August 22nd, 2022


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30 thoughts on “Evolutionists PANIC Over James Webb Telescope Pics”

  1. Man, I love this. Science and faith never had to co-exist; faith is science is faith. They compliment and reinforce each other. For someone like me who used to be an atheist, Answers in Genesis is such an important and needed ministry. Now that I'm a homeschooling mom of three, we consistently use them for science and history. In fact, I think I'm gonna have my oldest watch this video today for science.

  2. What exactly is an "evolutionist"? And the widely spread story that Webb has disproven the big bang has been debunked.
    The big bang might not be true, but so far it is holding up very well.
    The Bible however, doesn't even make sense.

  3. Oh dear oh dear, no intelligent person is panicking because of your faith and belief.
    Faith, which is what you have, is belief without evidence.
    A theory is bases on repeatable observations, repeatable experiments and peer reviewed mathematics and is constantly under review as new things are discovered.
    What you believe in is a book of vile crimes that are praised and untruths about history it is a book fiction.
    For example, what do you think of a man that pimps his daughters out for a gangbang with strangers (lucky girls the strangers said no thank you) and then at a latest time made the both pregnant. In those days the punishment for prostitution was stoning to death, what the punishment for being pregnant from incest I do not know but it can’t have been pleasant, oh I haven’t told who we are taking about it’s Lot of Sodom and Gomorra fame.
    Plus the Jewish people were never slaves of the Egyptians of the Babylonians yes

  4. I just don’t know how we evolved into not knowing what a man or woman is. I guess, men going to clinics and walking out with woman parts is evolution’s best strategy.

  5. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

  6. Evolution and the Big Bang are completely unrelated ideas. You link them together because they both contradict your book. The idea that there was no Big Bang has been kicking around for decades. It’s not a dichotomy. The Big Bang being a flawed theory is not evidence that your book is correct.

  7. Hate to bring it up but it also proves the universe was around long before 6000 years ago. If anything it just made the universe even older, not younger. Oh and the start of the universe has nothing to do with evolution.

  8. gods words don't change? Ok which is correct in genesis? The Earth was created before the stars? Or the next page when genesis says the stars were singing when Earth was created?

    Imagination? Wow i thought it was in your 10 commandments that thou shalt not lie? She's flat out being dishonest.

    Exploding into existence? Well isn't that exactly what you claim about god created the universe into existence? Your hypocrisy is amazing. Lies, lies and more lies. Explain this to me. How were the Egyptians, Chinese, Mayans and people of India here immediately before your flood and immediately following your flood? Haven't gotten an answer for this yet so we'll see what you claim here? Lol

  9. Uh. I tried watching this for about ten minutes. What is it exactly that these james Webb photos have show that disproves the big bang theory? Galaxies can be close and they can be far away, when a bomb explodes shrapnel goes in all directions but some lands close together. I'm not sure what "one thing" they were expecting to see that hasn't been seen. We've gotten high quality pictures of neighbouring galaxies for decades now, I'm just so confused what this whole talk is actually based on, it feels like it's based on nothing.

  10. I never believed in the Big Bang theory.And when they build a bigger telescope they will see even more and more and more that we’ve never seen before .I don’t believe in the “edge of the universe “ as there is no edge or end .

  11. Well your ideas have just about as much evidence as dark matter. You knock on them for making up stories and trying to find something to fit their world view yet that's exactly what you are doing once again with zero evidence. You knock on science for changing it's story as we go yet the bible has been rewritten more than any other book on the planet. I believe in a god but not in the same sense as you do yet I have no evidence to back up my beliefs. You can't go out knocking people with a book that's been rewritten added to and redacted thousands of times. Many things written in some of the oldest bible text on the planet are know where to be found in the modern bible. So your story has changed more times than that of science has. Religion is grate in all but as you mentioned your looking at the world threw a certain lens exactly the same thing science does and at no point will your world view change no matter the amount of evidence to contradict your story.

  12. These people simply dont know what the big bang is… Sorry, but the James Webb does in fact NOT disprove the big bang, it has shown some unexpected things, but the science about what happened in the beginning is incomplete and there will be new discoveries that refines the theory. While on the matter, why are you so inclined to disprove the big bang theory? It doesn't matter for the question if there is a God or not. Personally I am an atheist, but lets put that aside for now and ask the question, if God did create the universe, how would you know that the method of doing just that is not the Big bang as we see it today? As far as I know, science has not been able to find what caused the Big bang to happen, so how would you know it was not the act of God creating it? Personally, since I am an atheist I don't believe that. I don't believe the bible was written by anyone other than humans. But I dont have a theory about what caused the Big bang. May it have been an entity that is way outside of our "realm"? Maybe, but I am sure there are other ways to explain it as well. But so far, James Webb has done nothing to disprove the Big bang, those who understand the Big bang know that we're not talking about an actual explosion, but rather an expansion, which was very rapid in the beginning and then slowed down and is still happening today, so in effect, the Big bang is still happening today.


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