Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Trailer – Analysis and Explanations

I guess I had more to say than I thought.

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– ERwSETz Cat Blooper Video ft. Opal and Tigrex

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40 thoughts on “Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Trailer – Analysis and Explanations”

  1. I always wondered if gravity magic was the magic of St trina, mainly cuz they are both purple, there is no magic associated with sleep, every other status effect has spells associated and the juvenile scholars use purple magic while singing a st trina lullaby.

    The theory that fate is influenced in dreams and stars are interlinked with gravity magic.

    Also people “fall” asleep haha

  2. Remember that there is a part of leyendel missing? Maybe marika first seduced godfrey, then purged the rest of the crucibel loyal parts of the capitol, thats why it was such a massaker, because they litteraly purged the undesirables!

  3. "recycled assets" the game uses architectural styles to help tell the story, why wouldnt you want to see familiar or similar assets in the dlc? theres answers there homie

  4. Lot's of respect for posting the entirety of your analysis prior to the story trailer. Far more of your theories in this still hold up than don't. It's fun to see your process before we all have access to the source material (the firmament as you put it). You've inspired me to take diligent notes to work towards my own theories when it comes out and see where we overlap. Also, can't wait for season 2 of ERwSET and hope more folks help you keep your head on fire!

  5. You're the most hardcore extremely fringe lore theorist in this niche of a niche of YT and I just want to say I appreciate it. Not trying to glaze. Sometimes you sound fucking insane. But I'm here for it.

  6. i dont think the final dungeon is in middle map, i think we have map behind the green florest upper levels soo … they dont show us in trailer all the size of full map in upper levels !

  7. Seems possible that when Mohg stole Miquella from the haligtree he took nothing more than a corpse, it's not clear when Miquella abandoned his body but that tidbit explains why Miquella's body has been "unresponsive".

  8. Have you seen the divine tower theory? The DLC will likely be in the middle of the map between the divine towers, Marika's veil or baldachin is draping down from above and resting on the towers.

  9. 3:21 Miyazaki confirmed in his interview that it's not a dreamland or anything similar but an actual physical place that's just disconnected from the regular map now, more like Farum Azula where you get teleported to it.

  10. I think the fire giant's heads are appropriative, going off nothing but my own instinct. If the fire giants were lending their flame I think we would see their bas-reliefs of the forge, or the 8-1 circle ring of the fell god, or the face of the fell god that resides in their chests. Using the actual heads of the fire giants is strange, especially strapped to the hip/thighs and not as the actual head. Seems like trophies or something more sinister.

  11. The grave behind the wickerman looks like it has a shell cut out of that, I don't think we've seen that before. hits the pipe could be Nox are ancient ocean symbolism related exhales

  12. At 1:05:50 the wilted wisteria tree in the background would look like a two fingers if pruned, and other wise it looks like it was interleaving in a helix shape (something we see a lot in the DLC and on certain sigils and items in the base game, and even in Miquella's Halig tree) before it died or stopped being tended to.

  13. I know we have all tried to place Messmer’s birth and parentage in the timeline and make it fit, but it just occurred to me- why? Why does he need to be a child of Marika? Why can’t he be a husband? Marika has a history of putting her husbands away… this would explain the betrayal, seduction, and affair we hear. And I know Messmer refers to her as Mother, but it would not be amiss for any religion, cult, zealot, fanatic, or even royalty to want to be referred to as Mother. We have many modern day examples (Queen Elizabeth) where a population referred to her as queen mother or mum. And works of fiction, like a song of ice and fire, where the populace called Khaleesi “Meesa“ or Mother. Religions refer to their gods or goddesses in maternal and paternal ways. So again, I ask… what if Messmer was her first husband and waged this war for her. Then she betrayed and hid him away? Even would explain when Messmer taunts “wouldst thou lordship sanction in one so bereft of light?” as more derogatory and exasperated. Like “really? You left me and this is who is your consort?”

  14. Radagon the impaler fell to the golden order then they fused or something like that to queen marika then Dad’s how the order started between no debt and no life my assumption is not fully there, but just think about it

  15. lovely lore dive! loved that live react to the celestial dew, i’ve been thinking about quite a few other “gameplay” elements that have major lore implications.
    such as mirror’s ability to hide your eye features cast by dragoncult/bloodyfinger/frenzyflame. curious about connecting that and the pendants you can use to hide your appearance in co-op!
    minor discussion point; gravity magic i think is misassociated with time. dragonlord placidusax at the heart of farum azula is responsible for that, and though a falling star destroys it… its not responsible for the time magic, that’s him.

  16. 1:32:04 the "other tree" growing out of the erdtree is a hand holding the falling erdtree. If you look closely, (from where the two trees intersect), you can see the thumb as if someone's right hand is holding the tree, to the immediate left of that is the "wrist" of the hand and then the forearm

  17. Messmer, demigod of fashion emergencies. He might have power over his tyrannical flame, but he can't avoid getting roasted for his weird papier maché drake knight cosplay. At least he won't heavy roll with such a breezy fit.


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