Serial Shoes (From Fear to Eternity) (Charmed Rewind)

It’s the iconic first appearance of the Charmed One’s greatest enemy: Barbas! Billy Drago appears once every 1300 years to be easily defeated by an ADR line. Phoebe finds a ladybug.

Audio only:

Editing by Peter Hunter: @pretorhunter


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#Charmed #FromFearToEternity #Podcast #AlyssaMilano #ShannenDoherty #HollyMarieCombs #TedKing #DorianGregory #BillyDrago #KimberlyKates #SteveWilder #AllisonPregler #PhelanPorteous


28 thoughts on “Serial Shoes (From Fear to Eternity) (Charmed Rewind)”

  1. Honestly I started to not like Phoebe during mid season 3 she just became a bit of a hypocrite and was all about Cole this and Cole that and I don't like Cole anymore but still want him and I just found that really infuriating and Piper was tolerable in season 3 and mid 4 but after that she was just plain horrible. I feel like things went downhill after Shannen Doherty (Prue) and Constance M. Burge (the Creator) left the show…I still blame Brad Kern (he was given way too much power and I hear he has a sexual misconduct charge)

  2. If you have Billy Drago, you don't wait 1300 years to bring him back again. The Untouchables didn't bring him back, and despite having Costner, Connery, and DeNiro, it didn't get a sequel. Coincidence?
    I think not.

    At 1300 years, in all of human history, he'd only have had 5-6 chances. And in those early ones, he'd have had to go across a major subcontinent to get from one witch to the next. 700AD would have been slim pickings still too.

  3. Actually Allison I think what would make Barbas' vanquish in this episode appropriate would be to have him have one interaction with later season Piper and when she gives him the old "Shut up Leo" he goes "NOOOOOOOOO" and poofs away. That or just give him a vision of what Phoebe would become.

  4. To correct you guys just a bit Season 1 had a bit of a habit of not giving things established names that would later occur to have names. Like for instance When the girls find out Leo is a Whitelighter (or rather Phoebe does 3 episodes from now and Prue/Piper don't until the Penultimate episode), the rules regarding Whitelighters there are different than every season following. The Elders weren't even the Elders they were addressed as the Founders. I assume this was because they had plans for them that never went into fruition. Season 1 is the best Season of the show tbh. I felt Season 1 struck the best balance of the Halliwells and the campy nature.

  5. could you do a video on ((ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE)) about the selfless amazing prudence halliwell that tries to save this doctor and actually cares about saving innocents and not letting a date or manicure appointment ever get in the way of helping any innocents… the sister piper halliwell who is selfish and only tags along with her sister to tag along and doesn't care much if the doctor lives or does just wants to really get back home to argue with Leo and complain that she wants a normal life… and how Phoebe halliwell queen of the asswipes I think you had put it that way lol only cares about Cole not the doctor and not any innocents at all and should loose all her powers for good because she does more evil then good throughout the whole series she's so self absorbed and obnoxious the worst charmed one in my opinion can you do all ( hell breaks loose)… and (awakened )and ( astral monkey ) ( Ms hellfire ) ( Blinded bye the whitelighter ) would love to hear you input and thoughts on all of those episodes your videos are spot on on point precise and hilarious beyond hilarious I sometimes cry cause of laughter watching and listening to your videos and I think I gonna piss myself one day online your channel

  6. Though there were a few issues, I think the initial appearance of Barbas here is the best. I think there was good potential to seriously using people's fears against them. There could have been a plausible explanation for not being bound by the 1300 year between appearances. Unfortunately given the direction the show took, he just became another super villian

  7. Religion in charmed is weird, because the Christian god definitively doesn't exist, but the Hindu gods do? So Hinduism is canon in the charmed universe, but Yahweh isn't. Maybe that's why Piper became the devil 🤡

  8. you know it's funny is if this was a later season after finding out he was cheated on, phoebe would probably ask him out saying your marriage is over might as well have some fun. or something like that. lol.

  9. I think it's possible Barbas could only use his powers on witches. He only cared about the witches he found on the sign up sheet. So he may not have been able to do anything to Andy and Darryl.

    Also, it would have made a lot more sense if the "fearless" witch was afraid of losing control or something. Fire is too obvious a fear for her not to realize.


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