Classic Who "The Invisible Enemy" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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40 thoughts on “Classic Who "The Invisible Enemy" Parts 1&2 Reaction”

  1. This is just a hunch and I may be way off base here but, were you excited to see K-9 in this story? 😂 Your enthusiastic reaction to this is delightful. Looking forward to seeing your reaction to the second half.

  2. Cue behind the scenes footage of Mark 1 K-9 going haywire as his remote control frequencies get tangled with the cameras. And yet, somehow, genius. There are still some people hanging onto the suggestion that he was designed as a response to the droids in Star Wars, but the timeline doesn't really support this. And, in any case, the original concept drawings were for a bigger dog. He's more like a terrier.

  3. It's a new Tardis control room, but you hardly notice. A lot of the changes we see in the ship today are echoes of different Producers back then wanting this thing and then another thing. After all, nobody will be watching in 46 years time…

  4. 11:18there's the reaction we were waiting for.
    Yes, the goodliest of doggos is here!

    And we have Leela, who's capable of violently killing someone, with K9… who is also capable of violently killing someone.

  5. And this is a perfect example of why we don’t give any spoilers for what’s coming up. If Sesska had any idea K9 was going to turn up now the reaction wouldn’t have been anywhere near as delightful. 😊

  6. The only "dip" in this season maybe was in the science…e.g shouldn't those clones of the Doctor and Leela have been naked? Mind-brain interface? Still, I love this story, part Andromeda Strain, part Body Snatchers, part Fantastic Voyage. And the intro of K-9!!

  7. Your joy for his story is ironic, as it tends to start a marked decline in the quality of Tom Baker stories. Next story (Fendahl) aside, as this was recored before Invisible Enemy. Production quality, budgets and general poor humour start to effect the series'

  8. Finally! I knew you'd love seeing K9, but not that happy! This is an underrated story; each part taking place in very different places. The idea of an intelligent disease is something too good to not be done again in the future! Next, a trip inside The Doctor's brain!!!

  9. This was the first Doctor Who story I ever watched. I was channel surfing and came across this episode, and was immediately amazed by the great Tom Baker! I had grown up on American Television and there was no other hero on TV like the Doctor (when I watched this I didn't know that anybody else had played the Doctor). Leela and K9 were great too! I was immediately hooked and decades later, it's still my favorite show! Thanks for a great reaction!

  10. The reason you may have found Michael Sheard (Supervisor Lowe) familiar is that he was in Star Wars: The Empire Striles Back (Admiral Ozzel) and in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Adolf Hitler).

  11. For the third time (i think) but not the last time my friend Michael Sheard appears in Doctor Who.
    He was an actor who appeared in tons of tv shows and even some films (If you have seen … and the holy grail you will have seen him as Hitler) (not for the first time as those old enough to remember the tomorrow people can testify)I can still remember the last time i talked to Michael not knowing that that it would be the last time.
    RIP Michael Sheard

  12. Unlike most I was sort of dreading this (it was a great reaction btw), more due to the fact that seeing reactors react to K9 always brings to light my own curmudgeonly attitude to the show….
    To explain, when I was a kid I loved K9. When we got a dog (a real dog), not long after this we called her K9 on my insistence. Unfortunately becoming a somewhat pretentious twat (my wife’s words) later on, I came to associate K9 with the overall reduction in quality in the show at this point and with the more family friendly fare the new production team were ‘encouraged’ to bring in after all the fuss over the grittiness and violence of the previous couple of, truly great, seasons.
    In addition K9 is a huge dues ex machina for the series during his time in it, and in the hands of lazy or uninspired writers he provides an easy opt out clause and solution that does diminish the cleverness I love in Who. 
    But what do I know, I sat there complaining about the stupid fan service in Army of Ghosts/Doomsday and how this was dumbed down Who…. My sons, who were little at the time, loved it. It’s not all about what pretentious twats want….

  13. The behind the scenes reasoning behind the Doctor returning to the original console as opposed to the wooden Gothic-style secondary console was because during a break in filming between the 1976 and 1977 seasons, the console was put into storage and unfortunately, the wooden panelled walls warped out of shape and was unable to repair, which meant a new set had to built based on the first console room, but with updated features.

  14. K9 always gets the love for the story from reactors – and understandably so. But I always loved the production designer made the decision to have all signage be either pictures (The eye section, with a big eye) or phonetics my favorites being Imerjensee egsit and isolayshun ward, predicting a devolution of spelling and language long before textspeak came along


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