See what a city is offering people to fight in Putin's war

A pro-Russian city in Kazakhstan is offering citizens $3500 to fight in Putin’s war in Ukraine. #CNN #News


44 thoughts on “See what a city is offering people to fight in Putin's war”

  1. Good for you, General Miley!!! It is so sad for the Russian soldiers who were FORCED to fight , without training or supplies. Genral Miley has more compassion for them than Putin, who refuses to admit the truth!! For WHAT???? PUTIN’s EGO!!!!!!

  2. That's right. I'm glad you brought it up to the western audience. The West needs to see how cruel and crazy Putin's regime is. But also important to see how people in Russia are so brainwashed and poor that they ready to sell their lives for the $3500, that they and their families will most probably never see.

  3. Please also show segments of Russian propaganda channels that demand nuclear attacks on New York and Washington. They instill hate to the West in Russians. They also keep showing fake news that we are freezing here without Russian oil and we eat out pets' food because everything is scarce and expensive now (lol, my pet's food is more expensive than mine)

  4. No way that other countries let Ukraine alone to fight for their independence, Russia has been underestimated the situations. Before touching Ukraine, you must face the Western countries first. Expectedly, It will not go as easy as you thought. 🇺🇦🇺🇲🇦🇺🇧🇭🇩🇪

  5. Antony blinken ,Boris johnson, Andrzej Duda Zelensky are the 4 clowns and Joe Biden a puppet on a string yes man zombie are the ones who colluded in instigating provoking and triggering this economic energy war which open the flood gates to global drowning of the economy which is now costing Berlin EU and the world dearly .more now with WW3 looming with the die already been cast to a point of no return unless there is more sound Changes in the EU US leaderships !!!!!!!!Show less

  6. If Donald Trump Were Still President, The Russians and the Americans diplomats and business groups will jointly Be In Kyiv negotiating a reasonable solution weighing the pros and cons and not Russian soldiers there will be no war there will most probably be peaceful resolution on the donbass and new tri business JV's between Russia US and Ukraine to co exist and collaborate in various fields will be coined which will benefit the citizens bringing a better quality and accountability for all honest intentions . Of course Putin and the Russian federation have more trust and appreciation towards Donald Trump ! the problem was Trump was always being defamed and criminalised for petty offences he never committed if that wasn't the case he will surely be a participant in the Minsk agreement !!!! highly likely the agreement would have been carved in stone and honoured till this day! The global economic crisis could have been avoided !!! Truth is Joe BIden can no longer lead the country he walks and talks with visible cognitive issues he should therefore step down and allow someone like Pete Buttigieg or Gretchen Whitmer to take the lead temporarily till the 2024 elections' then i probably would hope for republican like Donald Trump or someone like Kevin McCarthy who is clearly someone with a very sound mind to be an elected candidate !!

  7. Biden and all his US administrative membersshould be held responsible for misleading the world on its anti russian sentiments by arming and changing the history of ukraine ukraine was not a russian colony it was part of russian territory language culture and arts' like california or texas is to the United States , before the fall of Russians soviet union by the Reggan US administration plot 1988- 1991 ! the current BIdens administration should be held accountability for causing this geopolitical global energy catastrophe antony blinken is again misleading the public with his sinister manipulative rubbish answers to the Q's of the PBS journalist who the hell is Biden to insult President putin by saying he has no soul is he god its blasphemous for US to play god when they are the worst capital criminals to rob other nations business economic sovereign wealth by war mongering !!!!! now the have really done it by triggering the possibility of world war 3 at any time it's perhaps too late unless there is change of a more sound leadership in the United States . GOD SAVE US ALL!!!!!

    well just to educate you for free it's primarily because Russia intended to divert its main Ukraine Poland gas distribution pipe lines from UKraine to germany via nord stream 2 as highly corrupt ukraine was no longer a trustworthy partner or a CIS state to the Russian Federation' also by doing so ukraine and poland will loose transit and distribution revenues well next US forcefully sanctioned NORD STREAM 2 forcing germany to halt the switching on of the gas pipeline on its final hour!!!!!!!!
    Bidens US admin simply driving anti russian propaganda with extreme prejudice not to negotiate a peace plan their objective is to remove President Putin from power so that they can cannibalise colonise and rob Russia of its sovereign golden wealth and natural resources’ Poland Ukraine’ Duda and zelensky and all its clowns are just instruments to achieve these US goals since 2008. Bidens US admin poland and ukraine provoked and triggered this war geopolitically by

    no.1)it's primarily because Russia intended to divert its main Ukraine Poland gas distribution pipelines from UKraine to germany via nord stream 2 as highly corrupt ukraine was no longer a trustworthy partner or a CIS state to the Russian Federation' also by doing so ukraine and poland will loose transit and distribution revenues. well next US forcefully sanctioned NORD STREAM 2 forcing germany to halt the switching on of the gas pipeline on its final hour
    Bidens US admin simply driving anti russian propaganda with extreme prejudice not to negotiate a peace plan their objective is to remove President Putin from power so that they can cannibalise colonise and rob Russia of its sovereign golden wealth and natural resources’ Poland Ukraine’ Andrzej Duda and zelensky and all its clowns are just instruments to achieve these US goals since 2008. Joe Biden's US admin poland and ukraine provoked and triggered this war geopoliticaly

    1a) halting nord stream two gas pipeline to Germany sanctioned by US as declared by Antony Blinken 6 months before the war and pressured olaf scholz german chancellor to stop the flow of nord stream 2 into the germany which broke economic and diplomatic and friendly relation ties with russia establishing an anti Russia objective 7 days before neo nazi military operation in ukraine

    no. 2) NATO existential threats by way of military and membership extension to all Russian bordering states which is bg redline for russia national security

    no. 3) The fraudulent breach of the MINSK agreement as well as the Warsaw pact

    no. 4) 2014 Crimea Ukraine and US directly threatened the security of Sevastopol Russian strategic naval base for more than a 100 years

    no. 5) Zelensky failed to resolve the conflict in Donbas as promised when he came to power in 2019 in fact there were more discrimination on ethnic Russian Ukrainians as conflict with DPR and LPR vs Zelensky’s gov soared
    – fact
    The Georgian South Ossetia conflict’ it was because of a grave genocide ' A war broke out when ex former Russian state Georgian forces entered the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali murdering More than 3000 people !!!!!! which prompted Russia to send in its peacekeeping forces to bring peace and stability to its bordering former Russian states CIS also to Russia's overall national security.

  9. Y'all have to understand they don't have jobs or food and do have families. Their forcing them to fight. It's not so voluntary. (based on historical evidence)

  10. what do you expect darling 32 years of hundreds of anti russian sanctions in place to deprive the russian population of better future there is no justice enough is enough to many red lines have been crossed believe me the arch angels will arrive to rid the devils in disguise and i hope you re on the right side god bless❤‍🩹

  11. Putin is so rich and his family is safely secured in moscow…again he is getting old, Now Russians have to figure out how many of their young sons are they willing to loose for an old rich man in moscow


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