See moment huge wave pummels boat during rescue attempt

The Pacific Northwest U.S. Coast Guard was diverted from training by a mayday call to save a wanted man in Oregon. CNN’s Jim Acosta talks to Lt. Tripp Haas about how they pulled off the rescue. #CNN #News


30 thoughts on “See moment huge wave pummels boat during rescue attempt”

  1. User J TurTLe : And scottish people , i Think , i m not sure , i saw in june jully 2000 in Tunis in an Hotel of Tunis near the swiming pool NOT in Hammameth HasdroubaL NO , but in the CapiTal Tunis the first day we came inn , i think a gerL , her brother etc … i think they were from ScoTLand , i remember the gerL ( dark hair ) watched me , NOT with hate , with seriousness , i was glad . Thanks .

  2. User J TurTLe : i remember sitting with mum ( MiLanka ) and her brother Ratomir Jakshich in Moscow s Radisson SLavyanskaya HoTeL around 2002 – 2003 …. i Told my story to Ratomir , about Haiffa , … and the next day , or , that same day , news broke of , that a blast , a bomb blast happened in Haiffa killing severel people …

  3. User J TurtLe : in Radisson SLavyanskay i SAW for the Last time Natasha , a girl friend to ALeksandar Treshiov , in 2001 , in SumoSan Restaurant , Treshov said in russia "You know Natasha" , and she smilled , wickedlly smiled , at me , turning her head beneath a bit , i am sad i never saw her again , she was atractive , tall , energy like driven for me , i m so sad i never saw Natasha again , after that , sad , so sad . !

  4. I can’t believe the times my relatives crossed the bar in the 19th and early 20th century. Actually thinking about it, my 2nd grandfather’s brother was a ship’s captain whose craft went down with the loss of him and the crew. I believe it was 1876. ❤ GOD Bless Everyone

  5. I know next to nothing about naval navigation, but it seems to me that it's generally safer to head INTO or AWAY FROM big waves rather than run parallel to the wave and almost surely get rolled over (like this boat was). So it comes as no surprise to learn that the boat was stolen, lol.

  6. Don't risk your lives for someone like him!!
    They should have left him out there!!!
    He is a parasite of society. They take, take, take and destroy! It would not be a big loss if he was left out there.
    He destroyed a beautiful boat and we all pay for it as insurance rates go up and eventually we all pay for it.


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