Secularists’ INSANE Push For Animal Equality

A popular medical journal in the UK claims that animal and plant lives are just as valuable as human lives and that we should treat them accordingly. In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Bryan Osborne, Patricia Engler, and Dr. Jennifer Rivera share their perspectives on this topic as Bible-believing Christians.

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“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth’” (Genesis 1:26).

0:00 – Lancet Urges Shift Away from Human-Centered Health Care, ‘All Life Is Equal’

4:52 – ‘Funky Worm’ Fossil Helps Explain The Mysterious Origins of Amphibians

9:37 – We can still see these 5 traces of ancestor species in all human bodies today

16:21 – Kamala Harris omits ‘right to life’ when quoting Declaration of Independence on Roe’s anniversary

23:34 – Church of England Will Bless Same-Sex Couples, but Won’t Marry Them

26:05 – Pope Francis says homosexuality is a sin but not a crime and criticizes ‘unjust’ anti-gay laws

30:38 – Humans and wild apes share common language


24 thoughts on “Secularists’ INSANE Push For Animal Equality”


    Dear ray,

    Suppose, I took your photo. Now, time starts to your photo (1seccond, 2 sec… etc). So, before the time started to your photo (before the 1st second), it wasn't there.

    Today, we know that, everything changes with time (earth, sun, stars…). So, everything comes under time.

    Time has 2 attributes. Beginning and ending. So, everything had a beginning. Since they began, they change with respect to time.

    So, before they began (before the 1st second), Scientifically they don't exist. So, there must me NOTHING before they began.

    Nothing to everything is creating. As you said, all the combined intelligence of human cannot create a grain of sand from nothing.

    So, the INTELLIGENT CREATIVE FORCE is THE CREATOR. GOD Created everything from nothing.

    Love from India…

  2. i think evolution, combined with social justice movement is what apostles Paul and Daniel warn us with his prophecy :
    1 Timothy 4:3 (KJV) " FORBIDDING TO MARRY, AND COMMANDING TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

    Daniel 7:25 (KJV) "And HE SHALL SPEAK GREAT WORDS AGAINST THE MOST HIGH, and SHALL WEAR OUT THE SAINTS of the most High, and THINK TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time."

    And based on Daniel's i think the antichrist would have these ideology.
    And somewhat these things has similarities with the Catholic believe, also progressive Christians.

    For many years the word "THINK TO CHANGE TIMES" puzzles me, but now i really believe it's about EVOLUTION BELIEVE, changing the times to millions of years

  3. 😉👍Very nicely well done and very well informatively explained and executed in every way and detail provided indeed in the Father's holy wonderful and glorious powerful name of YaHWeH and that of Yeshua HaMashiach's most holy glorious wonderful name as well 🙌.

  4. Many people indeed think that a human being is also an animal and originated from the ape.
    All life is equal, which seems like a logical remark, but is actually a way to mislead people.

    If you think that everything came from nothing and life from dead matter, which produced life for no reason, you come to strange thoughts.

    Life on other planets is also a theory told as truth and originated by Drake and Sagan, of course 2 top shelf atheists.

    The so-called Drake formula indicates the possibility of life on other planets.

    Unfortunately, this formula consists of 9 assumed factors and the result is always nonsense.

    That is the level today and many billions are spent looking for life on other planets.

    Shooting an LP with all kinds of data into space is also such a total miscalculation, these scientists did not know that the universe is unimaginably large and the chance is 0 that someone will discover that sound data.

    They certainly had never heard of probability, especially when it suited them.

    But atheists also don't want to hear about probabilities of the origin of life, starting with the 20 proteins in the right combination.

    You then live in a world where everything you can imagine is possible.

    We increasingly live in a society of people who are completely indoctrinated by atheists, because about 65% of all people are.

    Atheists make their own truth and don't want to understand that you can't make truth, it's just there and you have to deal with it.

  5. This goes right along with what is said in the Bible. Man has chosen to worship the creation instead of the creator, and they've given themselves over to a reprobate mind. Most of this is being propagated in the public schools and in colleges/universities. They disguise indoctrination as education.

  6. Are hospitals and veterinarians typically in the same building??? I have been to the hospital a few times and have never seen any animals other than humans. They are kind of misrepresenting what this article is saying.

  7. Why do these creationist seem to be so against the idea of protection animals, plants and the planet as a whole? Do they not want to protect and preserve what they view as "gods creation'?

  8. If all animals are equal, how can we cut up babies in the womb. Aren't the fetuses equal to the other humans? If so, they are equal, then we can cut up any human. The secular world view contradicts itself.

  9. I read the article from the pope. I do not like him at all. However, what he was saying is that people who beat and kill homosexuals and make fun of them and such is wrong (they are being treated like criminals in OUR world). When you lie to your family are you beaten for it? No! You are lovingly corrected and you repent. THAT was what he was saying about this. Yes, it’s a sin and God will judge them for it. But the church has failed miserably at loving the sinner (the opposite of what Jesus did and SAID WE WERE TO DO!). You can’t preach that all life is valuables including in the womb. That God created the baby but then in the same breathe say that baby isn’t created by God FOR God. We are born fallen but also loved by God. You mislead people on this one. You sounded hypocritical all in one show. We are to hate the sin, stand up for God WHILE loving these lost people. What’s funny is the pope was a fault standing up to the Church of England on this.


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