SEC’s EVIL Crypto Plan (Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Altcoins in Trouble)

In this video, we will discuss the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the top altcoins. We’ll take a look at the cryptocurrency markets …


45 thoughts on “SEC’s EVIL Crypto Plan (Bitcoin, Ethereum, & Altcoins in Trouble)”

  1. I have to say, Elon did not affect the BTC price by tweeting. It's all smoke and mirrors. Retail simply DO NOT affect the price. Market makers control every aspect of price movement. We're all just in on for a ride. It's all designed to shift money from YOUR pocket to THEIRS.

  2. Ex post facto is Latin for "from a thing done afterward". Approval for a project that's given ex post facto—after the project already has been begun or completed—may just have been given in order to save face. An ex post facto law is one that declares someone's action to be criminal only after it was committed–a procedure forbidden by our Constitution.

  3. The bow draws back to release the arrow into the sky’ …🏹 ….🌔

    Bitcoin and Litecoin reward halving supply shock on its way, looks like a short squeeeze could soon be in play .. 🌬..🏃‍♀️

    1st.Bitcoin 55% 2nd. Łitecoin 21% Percentage transactions on the world’s largest payment processor…🛍…🛒

  4. Bitboy… I have to say that I wasnt much a fan previously and i didnt really care for the click baity stuff… But honestly I think your coverage quality has improved greatly and I believe you are honestly trying to do the right things. I agree Charles is a stand up dude and I hope he helps with whatever it is that you are holding in confidence.

  5. Stopped watching early this year because Ben is so political and can't just stick to crypto. I tune in today and he's full on Alex Jones! Typical right wing hysteria and conspiracy theories. We should be so upset "but I can't say anything"…..THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Let's wait for the news and we'll make our own minds up on how bad it is!


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