Secrets of Subterranean Realms – Who Built Some These Astonishing & Mysterious Structures?

@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie Cliff Dunning, the renowned host of the acclaimed podcast Earth Ancients, engages in a captivating conversation with author Karen Mutton about her book, “Subterranean Realms, where they go into the depths of ancient history and explore the enigmatic world of underground and rock-cut structures, such as Derinkuyu, the Roman catacombs, the mesmerizing Elephanta Caves, and other intriguing sites.

All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine


13 thoughts on “Secrets of Subterranean Realms – Who Built Some These Astonishing & Mysterious Structures?”

  1. Robert Schoch (professor/geologist/geophysicist re-dater of the Giza Sphinx) believes people went underground and built cities there to escape very damaging electromagnetic pulses from the sun. These are cyclical he says and will return. The underground cities have been used for many purposes across history once built. Asteroid hits, wars, sun pulses, and who knows what else. Curiously, the builders of Golbeki Tepe filled the site in with dirt to protect it. From what? And why didn't they ever dig it out? Didn't they survive? Where did they go?

  2. Hey I enjoyed that! Underground places are really not discussed much and are an enigma. However this video just frustrated me because each place was just skipped over very briefly. Can you please just do a few places but spend more time on what has been researched on them, because a lot of those were known by me but I'd love to know more about them. I liked Karen because she stayed pretty practical and sceptical of some more rather insinuated notions and correcting what was not true. Thankyou.

  3. When it comes to the subterranean complexes. I always think to myself did their creators ever consider the concept or gravity? There is an extremely vast amount of liquids, water, etc all over and under and on top of the planet. If there were ever a slide in plates, earth that would open up a way for it to flow into these cities. They would near instantly be flooded with no escape. 🤔🤔🤔

  4. Leonardo Da Vinci spent years in a cave he came out and began drawing machines like helicopters and began studying the human body even when the penalty for doing anything with a corpse

  5. Tools used from other informative videos I've seen, were possibly, Lazer, maybe negative green, which apparently is the only color if the 12 discussed in this color scale that has a negative & positive reading. Sound & Lazer. Sound was monks or a group of people chanting with drums which created a certain frequency which made carving possible & movement of heavy monolytic stones. Also people also lived underground due to volcanoes or earthquakes or meteors causing havoc. Isn't this something uve seen in ur research?


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