Science PROVES NPCs ARE REAL, Some People DONT THINK AT ALL, We Call Them Democrats

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41 thoughts on “Science PROVES NPCs ARE REAL, Some People DONT THINK AT ALL, We Call Them Democrats”

  1. I think there's varying degrees. I've always been blown away that people can't quiet their mind. For me I can turn the volume up and down inside my head and if I want I can sit in silent meditation easily but then get up and contemplate whatever I want to. I have words and then also see hazy images in my mind.

  2. I like to write fantasy short stories, just for fun, in my spare time. I once had to explain to my wife, who was wondering why i was just vacantly sitting on the couch, that at any given moment, whether I'm sitting, working, gaming, or in the middle of an entirely unrelated conversation, that there is a high chance there are sword fights and fantasy dialogue playing out in my head, both audio and visual. If not, then i'm probably replaying some real world interaction that I'd wish had gone better, either from that day or a decade ago lol. While I didn't think others were playing out sword fights, i didn't realize others just didn't have anything until recently.

  3. I can see ‘time’ in my mind. For example, if I read something or someone mentions something in conversation that mentions a specific century, decade, year, etc….I actually SEE that time period in my mind. ‘Time’ in my mind exists as a tape measure of sorts, but only more like a ladder, or a helix with fewer twists and turns, and I am standing at the top of it. When I want or need to, I zoom downwards into the time period I’m looking for, and it is there where I find visual images of historical events, places, and people that I’ve read about or have seen images of in books or other printed materials and in images in movies and tv, and also of personal life experiences all the way down to around when I was 3-4 years old. I’ve always wondered if anyone else sees time this way lol.

  4. These people have no cause and effect logic or critical thinking. So they do what they are told. Surface issues move them, anything cause and effect under the surface are hidden to them. That people can't see a scene when reading a book, just boggles my mind and probably points to why reading is down and a never ending flow of tiktok and video keeps them occupied.

  5. When I imagine an apple, I am holding it …turning it in my hands and watching the light from the window move across its surface. I can feel the apple as well and it’s cool, smooth surface has a couple of small soft spots (almost discolored) probably from being dropped or bumped in shipping. The stem is dried. I then turn the apple sideways and pinch the stem between my thumb and two fingers. I hold the stem and gently twist the apple. I can hear the crunch of the dried stem as well as feel the vibration within the stem as it rotates and starts to break away from the apple. I can even smell the apple. Anyone else? This is normal right?

  6. I was in college when I learned that not all people have inner monolog. It freaked me out a little. In retrospect, i feel sad for people who cant visualize or have inner monolog. How bland their experience must be…

  7. Nah, still too harsh. She's clearly conscious. I'm no expert but my guess would be that its something similar to other experiences that some people have. Ever hear of the concept that some people "sense" a top down map of their surroundings at all times? I don't have this but I can imagine from video games what this would be like, I think its some aboriginees people in Australia that have this apparently, it might be experiential. Or think of people with a photographic or total recall. Clearly they are not NPC and I can't even imagine what its like to exist in a total recall experience.
    I do have an inner monologue but honestly Tim's explanation of what his is like, is just as foreign to me as the girls explanation of lack of one from the video he played.
    Now as for NPC, this could be true but its a label.
    I have to imagine that the true experience of being an NPC would not be about internal monologue. An NPC at its root needs to be about running programs and lack of ability to make a decision other than yes or no to a given information. Now it could be very true that NPC have no internal monologue, I'd hesitate without a big data set to say that the two are mutually exclusive.

  8. This is quite possibly the biggest load of bullshit you've ever posted Tim.

    They're not conscious beings? Are you for real? Yeah, you ARE being harsh, and you're dangerously bordering on eugenics.

    Speaking as someone fully aware of the images and dialogue that goes on in my own mind, I am of the opinion that EVERYONE has a consciousness, and EVERYONE has some form of inner dialogue. It's just that many don't know how to articulate it, or they perceive it in a manner that doesn't align with the perception of another. So when they hear it explained to them, they feel they can't relate, because their experience with the same thing might be radically different, because of perspective and perception.

    I hate these studies, and I hate the smug conclusions people like you come to about others. There are bad people in the world, and there are people who are wantonly blind about important things. They're still sentient entities with a consciousness. It's a rare that a person realises how wrong they are, but deliberately keeps going that way.

  9. People always would make me feel self conscious about speaking fast, or how rapid my thought process is. I think how fast a person can think or talk is a great indicator of NPC-ness

  10. I hypothesize 1) all musicians have an inner monologue because you need imagination, spacial awareness and some visual acuity to think ahead and know what notes you are going to play next as as well as hear the pitch in your head before you play it and know you have landed on it correctly. 2) People with no minds eye used to be eliminated through darwinism ( how else do you identify risk and danger ahead of time?, how do you make split second survival decisions?). 3) Inventions, you have to think of problems to solve and have to visualize a design before you create a draft or physical prototype. It seems an inner monologue and minds eye is the driving force that helps us survive, innovate and drive society and makes me wonder if having no inner monologue or inner vision could possibly be some form of mass autism spectrum disorder or possibly something environmental that severed that link in humans. Food for thought

  11. For me it feels like I'm in the architect's room from the matrix, with all the screens. The screens are all showing me horrible things and when I try to focus on my own screen on my desk i get a bunch of virus pop-ups. Any advice to take control of the screens? I hope this analogy gets my point across because it's the only way I can understand it

  12. I don't doubt some people are NPCs but you're wrong about this (how people "think"). My husband doesn't think in words, he has no inner monologue, does not subvocalize. He says his thoughts are just like abstractions/concepts. He reads books more than twice as fast as me and he's NOT speed reading. He's one of the smartest people I know and probably one of the smartest people in general, and I personally believe the ability to not have to think in words allows you to think more clearly and quickly. And he's definitely not a democrat.

  13. Tim Pool is a prime example of a simple, dumb guy who thinks he is way more than he is. I can't believe he's sitting there, describing 'multitasking', thinking that's what "inner monologue" is right before he explains what "sentience" means before getting corrected on the definition while trying to prove his point that he is abnormally smart…

    If you nod along to the absolute inane, nothing that this dingus is saying, you are not smart. You are abnormally dumb. Because you don't HAVE to be smart to figure out how genuinely dumb this guy is. If you know or understand the bare minimum, you can tell this guy is full of crap.

  14. I think, like with many things, not including biological sex, it's a spectrum. As I am capable of having an internal monologue, many times I have no thoughts at all because I'm simply enjoying the moment, but I initiate internal monologues, and sometimes I don't… You know, like when you are speaking Tim, are you thinking that you are going to say this, before you say it? Or does it spontaneously just flow out of your creative self? Maybe this article, is once again, like so much of the woke stuff, is simplifying things too much, and it's not black and white. Perhaps an NPC is someone who has long tuned out of their ability to think critically, and hence exercise the inner monologue.. most likely most of us are born with the ability.

  15. It kinda depends on what I'm doing more than anything. If I'm focused, it can be dead silent. But, if my mind is wandering, there's a decent solum of visuals my mind wilk go through, at different levels of vibrancy. Not like it used to be, but I chalk that to age. My audiolizing, on the other hand, is near perfect most of the time. I can hear songs front to back, change the volume, pull specific tones or instruments, and have all that running while talking with myself. More often than not, I'm able to have full conversations with my mind about situations, and it's a big part of how I come to understand what's going on.

  16. Always been a fast talker too, mouth just can't keep up. It's incredibly frustrating having people tell you your whole life to slow down but when i do i feel like I'm treating the person like a 5 year old. I watch all videos on YouTube at 2x speed because it feels more natural to me, sometimes the video includes a clip of another video sped up, so suddenly I'm watching at 4x and that's often even better.

    As to the "one track mind idea", i used to hear all the time at church how "the mind is a stage" and "you can only have one actor speaking at a time" so to keep your thoughts clean, think a good thought and no evil can get in. Never understood that- of i wanted to fully lock up brain to keep any intrusive thoughts out i had to make sure i had not just actors speaking (linguistic) but music playing (audio), a full set (visual), others working backstage (multitasking), etc etc, all in my head in order to 'reach maximum cpu usage so other unwanted programs couldn't run'.

    My mom just recently learned about the Mind's Eye thing, turns out she is one. Can't see a thing. I tried asking her to picture her kitchen that she designed (she had come to visit for a few days) and while she could tell me that he's, she knows the sink is in the island, oven behind her, etc, that it was all simply by logical memory that she knows, she can't "see it" in any way. It has some pros- she's the fastest reader i know, because she doesn't need to waste time forming a mental image of what she's reading because she literally can't. But being unable to picture an apple, let alone whole worlds, i can't imagine… i inherited from my dad, both of us can 'see' so clearly that we can do so even with our actual eyes wide open, seeing both what our actual eyes are seeing and whatever we're thinking about.


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