Science Policy After the COVID-19 Crisis

The public health emergency has ended. COVID-19 is largely in the rearview, but this monumental event has been one of the greatest health crises facing the US since the pandemic of 1918. What lessons can we learn by examining the carnage wrecked on the national fabric by this horrific pandemic?

Unfortunately, the government has been slow to begin any stocktaking, leaving much of this work to be pursued by outside experts. Building on the work of the nonpartisan Covid Crisis Group, efforts are underway to carry out this crucial analysis.

Join AEI and distinguished guests, including those who helped lead pandemic responses at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration, for a two-part conversation examining COVID-19’s impact on our conceptions of scientific evidence for public decision-making and what the pandemic has taught us about institutional reform to promote resiliency.

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