Scavenger Hunt #21 – Birth of the Storm (Space Engineers salvage only survival)

Capac and I landed on a hostile planet, potentially the most recent of several operatives sent there to find the location of some experiments, our suits are falling apart and we can’t build a whole lot of the usual blocks forcing us to engineer and salvage our way to the end of this mystery…

Join us as we explore a story crafted specifically for us and which we are both completely blind to.

This is a custom scenario built for us to play on by our community taking advantage of real people to play NPCs and help flesh out the story so the scenario itself isn’t available for download. A huge thank you to the guys helping craft this experience for us.

You can find a collection of the public mods we’ve used here:

Editor – moos3h
Game Master – Eisen
Perennial NPC and custom mods – TheFinalEvent97
Custom mods – Mr Simplex

I have two other channels that I post content to regularly – my cooperative channel with Capac – my experimental and Twitch stream backup channel

A special thank you to all of my patrons, if you would like to join them and support me in making more videos:



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Music and Sound Effects by:
Space Engineers

Extra music by these amazing artists:
Kevin Macleod

Plus extra tracks from and Epidemic Sound (subscriptions supported through patreon).


39 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt #21 – Birth of the Storm (Space Engineers salvage only survival)”

  1. I almost got drunk during that battle approaching that relay station. that spinning probably should have had a warning……. otherwise nice episode. also…. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? now i gotta wait a whole week to see the next destination… πŸ™

  2. the Dust Ball's Antenna was never repaired when the ship was acquired.
    crew to man a Carrier can be hired if you look around a little.

    my thought would have been remove the Gates themselves. fill in the space and build a pair of weapon pylons to improve forward firepower when challenging hostile ships and stations.

  3. Love that Splitsie shared the GPS for the β€œAsteroid Base” out to the Global channel, alerting everyone as to where they could be found at some point in the near future. Almost like he wants a massive fire fight to really test out his new acquisition.

  4. Love that Splitsie shared the GPS for the β€œAsteroid Base” out to the Global channel, alerting everyone as to where they could be found at some point in the near future. Almost like he wants a massive fire fight to really test out his new acquisition.

  5. Dust Storm is good, but can I interest you in Dust Buster? Either way I love how nimble that thing is. As a combat mainstay I feel like it could use at least a couple more turrets, and that relay and tank on the back of the Dust Ball (Agglomination MK2) has me worried about the lines of fire on it's turrets.

  6. OK, So I'm a bit slow, but I did just notice the pattern. "Here Capac. Help me make this. Do it this way, and don't do that." New stuff comes along. "Here Capac, Here's my hand-me-downs." LOL

  7. How about a new rule for the next series? Wasting ressources is forbidden. Using right mouse button for drill? Forbidden! No automatic trash removal. I use this rule at the moment. Container start to be more important, and you have to think twice what is the best way to the ressource. πŸ˜‰

  8. Sp;itsie a true leader of men! Capac: "what's the plan?" Splitsie: "I go fast and you do things"

    Word of the week= PROBOSCIS

    Definition of proboscis

    1a : the trunk of an elephant also : any long flexible snout. b : the human nose especially when prominent. 2 : any of various elongated or extensible tubular processes (such as the sucking organ of a butterfly) of the oral region of an invertebrate.

  9. I was hoping the whole relay station was going to be attached to the dust ball per Capac's original idea – then it was … in two parts.
    I really like the (currently) final result! The sticky-outy solar sails at the back look cool as well as being materially useful.

    Then – a cliff-hanger! A number of cliff-hangers 'threatened'/teased during the season to date … now one finally happened. tut tut tut! πŸ˜†


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