Savix React to Lost Ark P2W Rich Rant

#Lostark #로스트아크 #savix

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26 thoughts on “Savix React to Lost Ark P2W Rich Rant”

  1. "You dont want to rush it, its been out for 3 years" etc …. sooo its still P2W (buying power) it just depends on what level it affects you.
    Just because you say … you know what i dont care. I just find it pathetic that people cling so much to the idea that "P2W=BAD". its a great game ill play and have fun with (if ill ever pass the queue /wave amazon) but it doesnt change that you can buy item power in shop. The end. You want to live in denial then be my guest.

  2. It also takes luck to gear in this game. I have a friend of mine we both started at the same time and we both followed the same island guide that most people have seen however he is I level 1025 right now and im 590 while still grinding out every day to try and get to tier 2 it's insane he failed less then 10 upgrades while I failed 7 just yesterday

  3. To me the part about p2w that I never liked was when the pay gate was really bad. Like there were games I played where if you don’t pay the game is quite frankly not fun to play. They shackled me so bad that just to enjoy a game I felt pressured to pay. Lost ark has some of that later on to get gear mats and such but the game itself that I can play without paying is a lot of fun so it doesn’t bother me, at least not yet. I also think Amazon is aware that people are very sensitive to this in the west so it won’t be as bad as other releases

  4. Yes but it's not the same thing with the wow example it's terrible and dishonest to even try and compare. The main difference is you have to beat the content to get the gear on the major problem with that is you don't have an item level requirement to get into the content

  5. rich is a fucking moron the game is legit pay to win. if u want to paly it and fuck off after a month go for it. but as someone who liked getting bis in mmo games. im nto paying or spending 16hrs a day for 10 to 12months trying to keep up. let me know if rich is 100% f2p causer as soon as he pays his opinion really doesn't matter

  6. This p2w topic is so damn draining and annoying, every where I browse whether its tutorials, quick guides, or builds; it fucking pops up every other day like a Geico Insurance company ad; cant just everyone at least accept it as is (which it is p2w in my opinion/my own definition. But the p2w isnt as harsh in lost ark) and move on like adults. If you are having fun in lost ark, great, that's amazing. Don't be surprise people will hate and meme on the things you enjoy. If you aren't having fun then shut the fuck up and move on

  7. i dont think people are being piss to a point they are thinking f2p cant get 1300 or whatever, their just saying that it is in a p2w category game. No one is saying others shouldnt be playing the game because its p2w, you still can absolutely have fun with teh game even though its p2w. the problem is where peoiple like him shielding p2w, saying its not p2w, or saying it doesnt matter to f2p, also to people who keep saying they didnt spend money and got there 1300, u still had to spend more time then the others.and thats not the point of " fair arguement ". Otherwise, Might as well praise bobby kotik lol

  8. The game is good for what it is. Have fun, enjoy it the fullest you can without paying and then just stop when it starts becoming less fun and more of a chore. If people want to interact with the gating systems and grind and what not, cool, that's up their alley and they are having fun. Just know, players who don't fork over any cash, that those who pay will always be better than you, no matter how much time and effort you sink into the game. They will always be stronger and better than you, that's just how it is with games like this. Players who pay will always naturally have an advantage over those who don't. Devs need to make money somehow. People will be turned off from that fact, but LA andies need to understand that wasting time for nothing isn't for everyone and people will not want to play because of that. It is something they need to accept. Whether or not the game is "bad" is subjective to the person. TLDR; game gud in terms of gameplay and content, but if you want to play endgame, be prepared to either waste a lot of your time or a lot of your money or you'll hit a wall that you just can't climb over unless you sacrifice one or the other.

  9. I think it's wrong to compare the rng of getting an upgrade in lost ark vs rng in getting loot in a raid in ff. In lost ark, if you fail to upgrade your ilvl is not increasing and it locks you out from more content. In ff you are already playing the content you want, and gear just makes the content easier. There is a reason why one game has a gate on participating in content, and the other the gate is on getting bis after playing the content.

  10. Damn rich trying so hard to convince people that he made a good choice by spending so much money. That's one of the worst takes I've heard from him, yeah that game can be fun but does he realise how much time people will have to spend down the line if they don;t pay? But how would he know, he payed for most of his stuff.

    It's sad that he and others defend this even worse that they have a big platform and are trying to make this 'normal'. No, just say what it is, a Korean grind MMO made for people with gambling problems like rich.

  11. Lost ark payment system is like a restaurant that gives you free pasta for every meal time.
    The Lost ark restaurant gives you 3 pasta for free every day, and if you pay extra money, you can get extra steaks. It is a lost ark. Is it really a pay to win for you? Or is that effect anything to your free pasta?
    You went to a nice restaurant that offers you free pasta , and you saw some random guy on next table ordered extra steaks with his money, do you really feel you have been defeated to random guy ?
    I don't know how they live in this world with such mind.
    Look right, saw a guy have better car, you lose. Look left, you saw a bigger house and you lose again, look the sky the airplane is flying you lose more ! Look down and you can see dogs are humping and you are virgin, you even lose to dog! How can you live like this ?

  12. In my honest opinion people that argue it's not pay to win simply don't want to admit they like a p2w game. It's pretty much the same as most mobile games you guys hate in terms of monetisation and there's no denying it.
    Once we catch up to KR and all the extra mats mechanisms are gone you will see how it feels to be locked out of a raid until you pay or wait days because you failed several <20% upgrades in a row.

  13. Lost Ark is a good game gatekept by a greedy business model that gets worse and worse as more people give more and more money to the machine. Free to play games with purchasable play power is bad. Always.

  14. IDK why this is even a debate. It has been mathed out already…. With average gambling chances it has been calculated that you will have to play 6+ hours a day which most people outside of students and streamers cant do. Thats having alts to funnel you resources. It isnt a debate. Your right you can get there eventually once all the content is releases and catches up to KR servers. However that will actually take the 2 years this guy showed in the video. There is a reason every Russion or Korean content creator who hasnt played 6-10 hours a days warns of this. If everyone that has been doing this for years is warning about it you should probably pay attention.

  15. That’s true, people say whales ruin their game experience but when we give examples like soda. And ask if soda paying 8k in the game affects their experience of the game, then that’s when they start to think.


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