Saving Farmers and Humanity

Michael O’Bernicia joins me to discuss a remedy for farmers and way to stop the interference from government to private people. I apologise for the annoying echo on the recording.


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#sovereignty #farmers #land


21 thoughts on “Saving Farmers and Humanity”

  1. Has anybody had success with the AP1 change?
    I do love Michaels enthusiasm and energy. I understand his vision of the way humanity should be, unfortunately human nature isn't so accommodating.
    We need to stay real, the past wasn't that great, there was lots of poverty then. In those days it was frowned upon for a working class person to question a professional person.
    Damp cold homes, no central heating, outside toilets., higher infant and child mortality rates. Managers and office staff looking down on workers. Dangerous working conditions.

    Having said that, i think things were better then. There was more unity and community and decency, which was good for our psychological wellbeing. We didn't have to worry about our children being stabbed walking to school, or drug dealers and prostitutes walking around our streets.
    The system we use to run society is basically sound, if you take away the corruption that is.
    The system is very efficient at collecting revenue and keeping the publics obedience.
    The main problem is parliament operate on behalf of outside interests, outside the public realm.
    Instead of enhancing our society and improving our lives with our hard earned money, they are actually rinsing us. We are being massively short changed.
    We pay more and more for less and less.
    It won't change though. The people are not politically aware, and the one's who are, are to afraid to confront authority.
    And with the rise of the woke Noahide laws and multiculturalism, it's only going to get worse.
    The more divided and debauched society is, the easier it is to control it and exploit it.

  2. The way they get you is when you sign your mortgage documents. There is a clause in the memorandum of common provisions,which says you give us irrevocable power of attorney.
    Then the bank assigns that power to every government department and his dog,
    and that includes the local council.

  3. This guy is very convincing but he has been called out on trustworthy channels. When people follow his advice he is supposed to leave them to it & many get into financial trouble.

  4. The antiquated corrupt Vatican banking debt slave system is over. The new system will be a Sovereign Republic under Common Law. The new public servants will be 10% current size and will stick to their jobs of ensuring public services are correctly run. The uniparty and City of London control of Parliament is over. In future we will be voting on policy rather than party – which will no longer exist.

  5. The First solution to removing everyone from all public held offices, is to Notify them all by a letter or document with your family coat of arms, stating that there services are NO LONGER REQUIRED, as of today we the people Notify you that you are FIRED… one has done this publicly on an MP who also claims to be part of the House of lords, when one asked him very simple questions, to why he holds so many different public offices and a few other simple questions, he never ever replied back, so fired him publicly… as he is a false fake dishonest man, why would anyone want such a man or woman holding our public servants offices??? people have forgotten who they are and what they was born to be…

    as for absolute owner-ship of anything… you must know the simple truth…. Allodial Title… and where it comes from… England, before this it was known as Land Patient before this it was known a letter to the lore/law… which was back then all hand written same as the PN of the BOE…

    This is for those whom are still STUCK in LEGAL … and LAND REG… lol…

    Legal is a worldwide Gang of the Same Cloth, very deceptive, cunning and sly, deviant and are all mimicking our natural common lores/laws and constitutions, its not the system that is messed up, its all the wrong crooked men and women within all our public offices unlawfully and unwarranted ws never asked of theses kinds of WHORES…

    and LEGAL is a BAR Ltd Corporate Society with a Reg No; and VAT No; like Tesco's or Burger King. and LEGAL is International as it Operates in every country… worldwide…

    Allodial Title Law and Legal Definition

    Allodial title is a real property ownership system where the real property is owed free and clear of any superior landlord. In this case, the owner will have an absolute title over his or her property. Property owned under allodial title is referred as allodial land. Allodial lands are the absolute property of their owner, and are not subject to any service or acknowledgment to a superior. In allodial lands there will not be any control by a superior landlord.

    An individual’s allodial title is alienable in nature. Alienation can be done in the form of gift, mortgage or it may be distressed and restrained for collection of taxes. The allodial nature of a property will be lost when the property is transferred to more than one person. Therefore, to retain the allodial title s/he can transfer his or her property to another single individual.

    For example, when an owner of a property dies leaving ownership to more than one heir, the allodial status of the property is lost.

    The following is an example of a case defining allodial title:

    Allodial title is defined as one that is free. [Stewart v. Chicago Title Ins. Co., 151 Ill. App. 3d 888 (Ill. App. Ct. 1987)]

    People really need to reeducated themselves, reprogramming your own mind with the absolute simple truth… 99.09% are not even Legally trained, yet are all dealing with LEGAL Corporate Matter of their own so called regulations and policy's of their LEGAL BAR Corporate Ltd Company. all 99.09% are all mere order followers, nd once theses people are all removed, but we then have to have people replacing them all, then when you have the correct lawful people in all public office, only then will you see this change, people have no choice well you have two… one is on your knees, the other is standing up straight and true… to his or her core… but not many have the back bone for this… England has become lame… spineless… and allow Gang members to operate… OUTLAWS all BANDITS… some of them are THICK as SHIT… just ignorant and Narcissistic in all their ways… and people seem to like them… and do nothing…

  6. Roughly in 2013 after many years Learning all the different things to do with Rules, all types of Policy's and then reading the England Banking Constitution the BOE 1881 ans then 1882 the trust law of 1882 and the contract law of 1872, and the Stamp duty of 1891 section 34. the Cestui Que Vie Trust of 1666, and spoke to the source the Capital Bank Of England, the Chancery high court of equity and the Treasury, was confirmed by each one that what 'i, had earned and understood is a fact, and even asked where one learned this…

    one then found two BANK manger and another BANK Manageress who were going to except the BOE which is the PN, as cash, and two days later when one got there they were both fired… every BANK Manager and Manageress are all Corrupt some have been open and honest with me, and said they would except but cannot do so as thy will be fired and out of a job, so most known if not all of them know that they are all knowingly willingly and wilfully with thee intent to cause you loss, harm, fraud, injury and rape of their own free will and omission by their own words actions and deeds… they have then pressed the record and upon the record let it be shown… now if you have the correct men and women in our public offices… everything would run very smoothly… it's only until a virus comes along and starts to ruins it… theses Viruses must GO… once and for all… still looking for an Honest Bank Employee who adheres to the common lores/laws constitutions including the lores/laws constitutions clearly stated above…


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