Satan II, Kinzhal & More l Putin Readying These Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Ukraine & Beyond?

Russia recently tested its next-generation international continental ballistic missile, Sarmat – referred to as SATAN II by NATO. The testing of the deadly missile amid Putin’s war in Ukraine was seen as Kremlin’s move to put the West on notice. Experts say that Vladimir Putin is preparing several weapons of mass destruction that he could use in Ukraine and beyond to establish Moscow’s stature as the undisputed superpower. So what are the weapons of mass destruction that Russia has been readying? Watch this video to find out.

#Russia #NuclearWar #Sarmat #Kinzhal #Avangard

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37 thoughts on “Satan II, Kinzhal & More l Putin Readying These Weapons Of Mass Destruction For Ukraine & Beyond?”

  1. Is CRUX doesn't have any other news to cover apart from Ukraine-Russia? 24×7 involved in spreading western propaganda. I don't think this is going to work out in India!

  2. It's pretty obvious that the Russian government isn't telling its citizens what is actually going on with the Russians induced nuclear war kicks off it will be basically suicide for the entire world. You all need to research NUCLEAR WINTER. They say it will kill 90% or more of the entire world population. The entire planet temperature will plummet below freezing for 10 to 20 years. There will be basically no sunlight during that period. So therefore there will be no crops to grow. Therefore everyone will starve. That means animals included. This isn't just a Russia versus nato or Ukraine. Their beloved dictator Putin talks about nuclear war like it's nothing more than a regular bomb.

    All of you Russians should know that if this does kick off the entire world will hate you. Because you will kill probably everyone's family members and everyone. Possibly causing death to the entire population of the world. They will be the most hated people if there's any of them left.

    The best thing that Russians could do is to take Putin out of office by any means necessary in order to save the world. You have a moral obligation.

    NATO and the US didn't care too much about this Ukraine war until you all started bombing random citizens schools and hospitals. I know your government sensors what you all can see but I'm telling you this is the truth. I don't have any hate for the Russian people. But Putin is going to cause destruction of the entire world for sure of Russia if you all don't get him under control.

  3. This video is uses descriptions from the RUssian government obviously. The point is that how much of their claims are true as opposed to propaganda is anyone's guess. Look at Ukraine. Is their weaponry in Ukraine of a sophisticated nature and have they been working?

  4. If nukes are to be used it will be English who will fire it up somewhere in Ukraine blaming Russia for it so the world get green light to attack Russia.
    Behind every way over past 500 years was England.

  5. If you know God you would know Putin and Zelensky are doing exactly what God wants them to do. They are to blinded by Power and Greed. The people will suffer but God will have vengeance on them for killing many Jews and their own citizens for communism. Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord. I will repay. Eziekel 38, 39 I will pull them down with my hooks to Israel and destroy all the blasphemers of Jesus Christ, the enemies of God. Get Saved Last Call.

  6. If Putin try to press the nuclear weapon, why can US orAMERICA cannot also press their nueclear buton?? The wcountries will be in danger, why the RUSSIA will also in danger?? Putin is scared once that he used their nuclear because the US have anti nuclear weapon while Putin no anti nuclear weapon.

  7. When the Western press seriously discusses the possibility of a nuclear war against Russia, which the United States and Great Britain can launch with all possible help from Germany, whose current chancellor has made a sharp turn in his political views from being a fervent pacifist in a hardened hawk for no reason, she somehow you think; furthermore, there is no other explanation for the materials continually appearing there than that Putin is crazy, Russia may attack Ukraine!
    Using nuclear weapons and in general Lavrov does not warn the world about the threat of the 3rd World War, but calls and threatens him the West simply does not

    This is how it always works, the biggest aggressors shout the most about aggression and the threat of a world war, especially if they prepared this war for a long time and carefully, then provoked its start, naturally, by proxy and on foreign territory, and now they are doing their best. that does not stop, along the way, bringing people, military equipment and ammunition closer to the front line

    Fortunately, it does not cost them anything: private and state money and property confiscated from Russia will suffice for a dozen such wars, it is not surprising that Biden has initiated the procedure for the transfer of Russian assets to Ukraine (Theft and thieves, that's what they are!)
    It is as if we gave the Casa Spaso to the Iranians and the American embassy building in equal parts: Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and North Korea.

    In general, it is not for nothing that the most intelligent and far-sighted of the Republicans began to speak seriously about the possibility of impeaching Biden because he is dangerous for the United States and can do it, with his experiments to violate all the red lines of Russia in the field of security and attempts to overthrow Putin and change the state system in our country, plunge into a nuclear war, which will not win

    In the worst years of the Cold War, things did not reach such a level of confrontation, such a mix of the Berlin crisis, the Caribbean and the Korean War is on the brink….
    And after all, the Republicans are not our brothers, or friends, or allies and they don't sympathize with Russia or with Putin, not a grain more than the Democrats They just want to live and a little more of that to understand how all this can end

    Are they more realistic than today's Democrats, the frantic and frozen Obama team, which de facto rules the United States, hiding behind Biden, whose job it is to wander around like zombies, staring blankly, confusing first and last names, and shaking hands with the empty?
    But this is none of our business at all, as the Americans can accuse us of interfering in their internal affairs and invading their security as much as they like, but they are on our borders, not us on theirs.
    And coups around the world (including successful ones in Ukraine and unsuccessful attempts in Belarus and Russia are his work

    No one promised we wouldn't fight them
    As for the methods and means, were they warned?

    Therefore, it is unlikely that they themselves will be able to organize a preventive strike against Russia, even with the use of nuclear weapons, which their own journalists write about
    At least in the last 08 years, their plans have been frustrated more than once and in more than one country

    It would be strange if they were allowed to destroy us now. → Washington, London, Berlin and all the other allied capitals would listen to what the Russian president and the Russian foreign minister say, or what? Before that, he would extend his life ….


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