Sande Ka Tel Ki Haqeeqat | Sanda Oil: Does it Work? | Spiny-Tailed Lizard Oil | Dr. Ibrahim

Sanda oil, also known as Sande ka tel, is claimed to be effective in treating men with weaker reproductive organs; it is also claimed that applying the oil provides men with strength, size, and performance (sande ka tel ke fayde aur nuksan).

However, these claims could not be further from the truth; we explained the dangers of using Sanda ka tel, as well as why there are better humane alternatives to this cruel and deceptive oil (sande ka tel).

The lizards used to produce the oils are listed on the Red List of Threatened Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as “vulnerable” or facing extinction on a global scale. Poachers cruelly break the lizards’ backs to keep them from running away (sande ka tel).

They are disemboweled while still alive, and strips of their fat are used to heat the oil (sande ka tel banane ka tarika). The oils also contain ginseng, dried ginger, saffron, cinnamon, and wild rue, along with other herbal concoctions. Deer musk, an extract from the caudal glands between a musk deer’s navel and reproductive organs, is occasionally additionally added.

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20 thoughts on “Sande Ka Tel Ki Haqeeqat | Sanda Oil: Does it Work? | Spiny-Tailed Lizard Oil | Dr. Ibrahim”

  1. اللہ پاک آپکو اس سچ بولنے کے صدقے آپکو لمبی زندگی دے آمین۔۔۔ کاش ھم مسلمان سمجھ سکیں کے کسی بھی چیزکو تکلیف دینا اللہ کے کو ناراض کرنا اور روزے قیامت اس کی بھی پوچھ ھو گی۔

  2. আসসালামু আলাইকুম ভাইজান আপনি সঠিকভাবে সুন্দর কথা বলেছেন নিসন্দেহে আপনি একটি প্রবিএ আত্মার অধিকারী আপনার জয় হোক আমিন?


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