Samsara (3): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part I)

Samsara (3): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part I)

There are a total of 28 levels of heavens in Buddhist cosmology, in this video Jiawen talks about the first 6 levels of heavens in the desire realm in detail.

– θ΅·δΈ–ε› ζœ¬η»

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May all beings hear the name of Amitabha Buddha and be reborn in His Land of Ultimate Bliss πŸ™

πŸ™ Namo Amitabha Buddha πŸ™
πŸ™ Namo Amituofo πŸ™


16 thoughts on “Samsara (3): Buddhist Cosmology – 28 Levels of Heavens (Part I)”

  1. πŸ™ Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhasa
    πŸ™ Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhasa
    πŸ™ Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhasa
    πŸ™ Namo Amitabha Buddha πŸ™ Namo Sakyamuni Buddha πŸ™ Namo Bhaisajya guru Buddha
    πŸ™ Namo Bodhisattva Maitreya πŸ™ Namo Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara πŸ™ Namo Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta πŸ™ Namo Bodhisattva SamantabhadraπŸ™ Namo Bodhisattva Manjusri πŸ™ Namo Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
    I take refuge in Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha
    May all being be happy, in the end of life be reborn together in the Western Pureland
    Sadhu sadhu sadhu


    this video truly gave me an extreme inspiration much more more n more towards practicing buddha dharma my way of practicing all the buddhas teachings of the past present and future absolute teachings of buddhas from all directions is fully contained in this single simple sweet name NAMO AMITUOFO which is not at all belongs to any dreamy realms it's not at all related to Samsara chakra the greatest great enjoyment for human beings are LUST best ever enjoyment good foods sleep car bikes good mobile phones luxurious homes and so on but lust and good sleep being the utmost πŸ‘ but all these are fully incomparable with the enjoyment in getting fully lost fully absorbed in nianfo recitation ( I'm not talking about nianfo samadhi ) simpli getting absorbed in NAMO AMITUOFO simpli getting lost senses in NAMO AMITUOFO is the utmost great supreme enjoyment that anyone can enjoy it in the whole Samsara chakra it's the utmost blissful and much more pleasure things to enjoy I'm a mad person fully maddest mad person in love with lord tathagath amitabha Buddha

  3. And also since the beings lifespan in the heaven realm is not permanent, is it the same with ηŽ‰ηš‡ε€§εΈ and his celestial subjects ? Amituofo i mean no disrespect i am just very curious πŸ˜…

  4. ε­Έδ½›,Β  δ½›ε­Έ
    Xue Fo or Fo Xue.
    Same words, reading from right to left and left to right, there are two meanings.
    Emulate Buddha or Study Buddhism.

    Xue Fo ε­Έδ½›
    Learn Buddhism, to have wisdom and want to become aΒ  Buddha.

    Fo Xue δ½›ε­Έ
    Buddhism study , one analyst the Sutra and one is very knowledgeable about Buddhism.
    A scholar expert in Buddhism study but with no interestΒ  to open up one's wisdom or to become a Buddha.

    When Shakyamuni Buddha expounded the Lotus Sutra, 5000 of his followers retrogress.
    Can't understand the Lotus Sutra.
    One must choose a Sutra according to one's good root.
    A Sutra that one can easily understand and convinient to practice it.
    Amituofo πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  5. Many, many, I sincerely meant many casual Buddhist believer's had no idea of these existence of the celestial heavens and hells. Practically less that 1% knows or roughly knows of these full destinations! Not to mention Purelands of the 5 directions! Is extremely crucial to emphasise these existence so that we knows very clearly the next course of action before we leaves this Avatar bodies for the best! Once and for all never to relives in the samsara cycle of lives and deaths again and again! Namo Buddhaya Namo Dharmaya Namo Amitabhaya. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


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