Salvaged Frigate Modules! The Best Ways to Farm Frigate Modules in No Man's Sky Outlaws Update 2022

Salvaged Frigate Modules are now a bit tougher to find with the former method of freighter fleet raiding not being so fruitful.


45 thoughts on “Salvaged Frigate Modules! The Best Ways to Farm Frigate Modules in No Man's Sky Outlaws Update 2022”

  1. One suggestion: please show the name of the system, just in case we make a mistake with the portal symbols, we'll know that we're in the right system. Though I assume the freighter name wouldn't match if it was the wrong system…

    Does this still work? My first 4 derelict freighter runs and I've gotten 0 modules, so it may just be awful luck.

  2. If it's that much it takes to find modules. I might as well use a save editor to increase the amount I have. I completed the main stories, and now I just wanna enjoy this game.

  3. Just did this derelict run last night, and is it possible for them to change? Because I got no SFM's (Salvaged Frigate Modules), and there were green jellies instead of security drones. I did walk away with a ton of Neutral Ducts and the De-Scented Pheromone Bottles.

  4. I sacrificed my entire future for no mans sky. I never come out of my room anymore not even when my parents threaten to turn off the wifi. I am in no mans sky now. There is no disconnecting me from the game. My consciousness has been uploaded to the no mans sky servers.

  5. I wish this helped… but at day three of playing… this is to much information to pick out what I should do. I just want to know how to get one salvage freighter modules so I can make fuel…

  6. I really think they need to make salvaged frigate modules more accessible, maybe through fighting sentinel frigates for example. Sentinel frigates are basically useless atm, while the planetary surface Level 5 fighters are much more flushed out

  7. I've raided several derelict freighters and Helios never offers any free beacons to me the stingy dbag. Luckly I craft around a dozen stasis devices and fusion ignitors a day so units are virtually meaningless so I can afford to buy em.

  8. This video does not take into account spawn rate. Yes, the blue containers on derelict freighters have a much higher chance of having Salvaged Frigate Modules, and there are quite a few on the freighters. But the amount of time it takes to completely clear a derelict freighter is much higher, and you can do an entire freighter and get literally 0 SFUs. Happened to me just last night.

    Since the spawn rate in the derelict freighter was so poor, I decided to warp to a pirate system and try pirating a bit. In roughly the same amount of time spent clearing one derelict freighter, I got about 10 Salvaged Frigate Modules through pirating. Better yet, because it was a pirate-controlled system, there were no police ships to deal with.

    There was no need to worry about standing losses because of the frequent pirate ship spawns. And as long as I didn't shoot more than one cargo container per freighter, the freighters never even shot back. Also, the "cargo container" ships can also spawn the same items, including Salvaged Frigate Modules. So don't forget to check those.

    Once you've checked / looted an entire fleet, simply warp away for a few seconds. When you come out of warp, the game spawns an entirely new freighter fleet. The success rate is far faster than clearing derelict freighters, or finding crashed freighters.

  9. These are for sure in 2023 the must annoying thing to try to find. I've been to easily 30 down crash ships maybe got 1 from a crashed freighter. Ive looked on abandon ships lately been to 3 haven't seen one. I have earned most of mind thro missions unfortunately. I've only had maybe a majority of 10 in over 100 hours of playing idk what else to do but keep trying.

  10. love the effort bro but you gotta stop the runoff talking. you start making a point and then you go on a minor tangent, it would be better to get the point across first then add whatever. anyway thanks

  11. I did 3 or 4 derelic freighter loots and didn't find any frigate modules! It took ages and is repetitive and incredibly boring. I hate it. It's one of the worst parts of the game. It's like walking through mud, painfully slow and dark. It's also easy to get confused – where I already in this part of the room or in this room before? I hate being this confused. I also always get those with aliens. Didn't even know you can have those without. That's annoying as hell
    Tainted metal is useless. You can't buy anything worth your while.

  12. Crashed freighters are now a pretty good way to get them too since a more recent update (more recent than this video). And on top of that, you can also get bulkheads for your freighters. So to switch it up, do some crashed freighters with distress maps.


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