'Salacious misreporting’ or fair coverage? Twiggy Forrest blasts The West | Media Watch

0:00 – Can’t rule out aliens!

From Chinese spy balloons to alien invaders: Media frenzy as UFOs are shot down over the USA.

05:45 – Unhappy billionaire

Fortescue Metals boss Andrew Forrest cries foul over coverage in The West Australian, accusing the newspaper of ‘salacious misreporting’. Does he have a case?

11:43 – Buy more ads!

Australian Community Media call on governments to run more newspaper ads or face the closure of some mastheads. Independent outlets are not impressed.

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27 thoughts on “'Salacious misreporting’ or fair coverage? Twiggy Forrest blasts The West | Media Watch”

  1. Oh Media Watch. Setting the trend with gutter journalism. It even makes 7, 9 and 10 look good. With old prune face Barry at the desk, he never fails to be inconsistent in his delivery of fake news and disinformation. The day they close down the ABC, is the day true journalistic reporting may return to our radios and television screens.

  2. It's worth remembering that the country that believes in aliens is controlling Our Lives all over the world with the internet they decide what businesses get to advertise they decide what we get to say they decide public policy they decide every single facet of our life ,now I might suggest that if they're military people believe in Aliens they're not the best people to be running the planet which they are at the moment

  3. I used to buy the Launceston Examiner newspaper, but stopped when they ran their propaganda coverage of the Gunns Pulp Mill a few years ago. That year, they won Media Watch's Carpe Diem award for publishing dozens of pages of Gunns press releases as journalism. I'm happy to support regional media, but not when it just serves as yet another outlet for corporate fact muzzling.

  4. Only two days before publishing, the US govt would have been very aware that a report on suspicions around the pipeline bomb was coming. This is basic stuff, which MW should be fully aware of.

  5. Dr. Andrew Forrest is a little man who has small balls or maybe just one ball. A wise man once said a Great man will buy the tool that his bully uses to bully him. He should buy Seven West Media in its entirety rather than seek pity from Australians or seeking help from the government. Most Australians feel disgusted by billionaires who shed crocodile tears and winch like Hello Kitty. We are a proud, fair and tough nation, and we expect our billionaires to fight like a man, and not winch like a kitty

  6. ABC: Are you actually concerned about such obvious propaganda generated by western media to create fear in, and distract (Seymour Hersh) a gullible population? All I can say is media outlets in glass houses should not throw stones.

  7. You got one bit wrong barry… everyone has been talking about nordstream being blown up by the usa ever since it happened…. everyone except the mainstream media. Hersch just looked at what everyone else was already saying. I mean, its pretty obvious.

  8. Well no one mentions that twiggy is the main supply of iron too china and the ccp war machine do they is this guy just in it for the money or is he a ccp collaborator one would have to ask many questions about his dealings over the years with high power political figures within the ccp


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