Sagittarius | Awakening Amongst The "Zombies"

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39 thoughts on “Sagittarius | Awakening Amongst The "Zombies"”

  1. This is scary accurate. Like so on point. 🎯
    This situation took place in the actual forest and I have been standing still for years after leaving that group of people. Figuring out who I am…
    The group to be the alpha for is now slowly coming together.
    Also, a new space in nature has emerged, calling all of us in, where we can have our circles and ceremonies. To create a spiritual center. The nurishment from the old is all the lessons I experienced about how to create a strong spiritual community. And how not to.
    It's through sharing and being vulnerable, sharing our humanness without judgement.
    Just starting out this time around, had like four ceremonies at my apartment, gathering the tribe. So this is confirmation and support. I have everything I need to be able to do this. My NN is in aqua and it's there for a reason. It's time. πŸ”₯

  2. This would be so good. Standing here and waiting for natural forest-cleaning for quite a long time. This is not always pleasant. Perhaps I will see a glimpse of an idea what to do instead. Tried a lot till now and nothing felt inspiring with regard to longlasting. Thank you.

  3. Zombies werewolves vultures..l don't think l belong 'ere? lol l guess what u say has endless permutations. l am the awakened Sagi-alpha male reject..put simply l stopped believing the bollocks..narrative everyone else or majority sucks in daily..dark? would appear..forest? spiders web is more πŸ₯±πŸ’€ ain't dark yet, but it's getting there..namastex ❀

  4. Haven’t listened to this yet (I’m a Sag) but taking me right back to a guided visualization session I did many years ago where I saw myself in the forest, my therapist suggested I go to edge and then out if forest into β€œthe world” but I just saw an empty barren lonely suffocating place β€œfull of zombies” was my quite, and said No! I d rather stay in the forest with the big smelly bear as my friend…the therapist couldn’t get me to leave the forest.

  5. Omg totally my read! I have been awakened to this fake matrix world since 2019 and trying to spread truth to my friends and family who think my husband and I are crazy! Just trying to protect them from anything from chemicals in their food and medicine as well as other truths we have learned about this world which is SHOCKING 😒 I feel they are asleep like zombies and will not hear anything from us; this is why I am more at peace in my own isolated world and get together occasionally to just talk their TRENDY talk which is boring just frustrating… thank you Cindy ❀

  6. Yes this reading definitely resonates. Experiencing this currently in my work. My team is scattered, people leaving, and others are fearful about their safety in the business its going chaotic but im just trying to stay grounded and focused. Minimal engagement, i do understand the feeling but I feel like I've been in these type of uncertain situations many times to know that it will too, come to pass as long as you stay grounded and just do what you need to do in order to keep ship moving.

  7. So right on, I had to scatter last year, still haven’t found what to do.πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’•Oh my goodness, you just said exactly what I have been feeling and getting from many people….. I left the zombie family and now so many people reject relating to me, I try to make friends as I am alone but they reject because I see so much and so deep, and they feel it. In other words, I am now a threat to their zombieness. Where are my people?

  8. Cindy, WOW!!🀯
    I have LITERALLY had the same imagery popping up, except I am in a trench shooting walking zombies getting closer.
    I have chronic cancer and was just told yesterday that I’ll never be β€œcured”/β€œwell”
    I guess I always knew but not really. We hang on to life right.
    But the zombie metaphor: WOW. Okay this is a day in life of chronic zombie killing: I have to watch how close they are always, cancercells/zombies. They are in fact dead tissue that won’t die. They are immortal. So it’s so funny that zombies are the perfect analogy for cancer. They are everywhere, in little camps, some loners. Just roaming around, so I have to be on watch.
    Sometimes do chemo, to keep the β€œfire” down, under control.
    But I AM lost in the woods at times, not knowing where is safe, if anyplace is. How long do I have to kill these mofo’s? Why don’t they die? When can I leave and go have a vacation?
    I don’t know what to do at the edge of that forest now. CAN it be reclaimed? Can I rid it of the zombies? And that vulture must be the chemo in my case.
    Thank you so much for this Cindy❀️

  9. βš–οΈπŸ±πŸˆβ€β¬›πŸˆπŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»βš–οΈπŸ˜ πŸ˜‘πŸ€¬βš–οΈπŸ‘„βœοΈπŸ€³πŸ™βš–οΈπŸŽ‡πŸŒŒπŸŽ†βš–οΈπŸŒžβ™’πŸ˜»πŸ’–βš–οΈ

  10. It’s a simulated reality and if they find me out they will try to make me like them … with horrible psychological brainwashing but I had to leave cuz the parasites were leaching off me


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