Sacred music and lulling desert sands.Meditate and Enlighten

Here are some interesting facts about deserts. It is believed that there are two largest deserts in the world – Antarctica and Sahara, whose area exceeds 9 million square kilometers.
The highest dunes of the deserts are up to 180 meters high.
The record holder for aridity is the Atacama Desert region, in which rain has not been observed for four centuries.
Among the interesting facts about the desert, we note that the lack of moisture makes its inhabitants adapt to the local harsh conditions. For example, the inhabitant of the desert part of Australia, the Moloch lizard, has developed a unique ability to collect moisture with its skin. All the liquid that gets on its skin flows into the lizard’s mouth through microscopic channels between the skin scales. Burrowing its belly into wet sand, the lizard extracts moisture from it.
In the Sahara, there are often such winds that within one day they can carry away a million tons of dust from it. If we planned to transport such an amount of dust by rail, then we would need a train 400 km long. The temperature of the desert air during this period rises to almost 50 °, and the humidity drops very sharply.

Note – in Saudi Arabia, known for its desert, there are no constantly flowing rivers at all.
The difficult conditions of life in the desert did not deprive the locals of a peculiar sense of humor. Thus, the area in the border areas, where minefields have remained since the war between Israel and Egypt, they called the “land of flying camels.”
People have different opinions about deserts – some people annoy them with their lack of vitality – others, on the contrary, like loneliness and desertedness. All people are different and the attitude to many things is different. I like to see the desert from an airplane. Dunes dunes… this geometry and asymmetry is created by winds and nature. With the help of video and music, I tried to show that with the help of panoramic views of the desert, you can relax, relieve stress, meditate and fall asleep faster. If you like it, please like and subscribe to my Theme Music channel. See you


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