S3 Begins! STAR TREK DS9 The Search Parts 1+2 | 3×1 and 3×2 REACTION | FIRST TIME WATCHING!!

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0:00 – Intro
2:25 – The Search Part 1
20:05 – Review
25:28 – The Search Part 2
42:20 – Review


31 thoughts on “S3 Begins! STAR TREK DS9 The Search Parts 1+2 | 3×1 and 3×2 REACTION | FIRST TIME WATCHING!!”

  1. One of the big complaints of old-school "Trekkies" was that "The station doesn't go anywhere!". The first two seasons of DS9 showed that good drama and sci-fi can be made in a fairly static environment. But still, the powers that were heeded those complaints and created the Defiant just to address that gripe. That is not a bad thing!

  2. Congratulations on getting to the point where you meet the real star of Deep Space 9, the U.S.S. Ben Sisko's Mother Fucking Pimp Hand! Okay, the Defiant. But the Defiant was Sisko's second choice for the name, Starfleet felt the first one was just too long. Behind the scenes, their first choice for a name was actually the Valiant, but the higher ups vetoed this, because of the up coming Star Trek Voyager. They felt it might confuse audiences to have 2 ships with V names.

    Back when these episodes first aired, I thought it was a huge mistake to actually have Odo find his people. After I saw part 1, it felt like they were just ending Odo's character arc. Then he learned that his people were the Founders, leading him to reject them, giving him a whole new story. The writers of DS9 knew what they were doing.

  3. Eris and Borath(sp?) are Vorta- they're administrators for the Founders. They command the Jem Hadar and handle all the day to day running of the Dominion.

    Ollie noticed how easily the Founders took humanoid form…and last week he noticed how well informed the Dominion was on Alpha Quadrant affairs…. BWHAHAHAHA.

    You got to see how far Sisko will go to fight back- tossing careers and even their lives!

    You were saying how awesome Sisko and Garak are together. Oh yeah.😎

    This episode makes you kinda hate Security Lt. Edditington- but that was just a simulation. He's actually a good guy. He's part of the cast now and you'll love him, trust me. He brings a unique perspective to the show.

  4. ….and this, the introduction of the U.S.S. Defiant, is where DS9 veered off course and became a 'leave the station vulnerable as the command crew galavants off in their starship just about every episode' show rather than staying true to the show's original premise: stories come to the station.

  5. We get so much in this episode: the Founders, the Defiant, the Ward Room (where the crew hold meetings now), Eddington, Odo’s new uniform with the high neck and belt. It also introduces the new commbadges, which started appearing in everything around this time, like Star Trek Generations and Star Trek Voyager.

  6. Continuity & Production Problems

    THE SEARCH Part 1 (IMDb rating 8.4)

    5:48 Odo has shape-shifted a belt for season 3.

    14:32 You can see what looks like a mic boom in the reflection on the panel on Sisko's desk.

    THE SEARCH Part 2 (IMDb rating 8.3)

    39:16 Sisko orders: "Attack pattern theta… hard aport." (edited out) but the runabout remains on a straight course.

    But hey, it's not real, remember?

  7. I love how by making Odo's people the Founders, it created conflict and struggle within Odo. It was a fantastic idea. Instead of the Dominion just being a big evil empire, it gave them depth with a reason to defend their home.

  8. My main gripe about the Founders is that going forward, they all look like Odo and his look is based on Dr Mora who they've never met. Now yes, in this episode they could have done it just to make him feel welcome, but there's no need for in the future in situations where Odo isn't even present. I'd also have written the opening log along the lines of "We've been stuck in this shuttle for six days. My back hurts. We both stink and could use a shower. The toilet bucket is nearly full and Bashir snores." …but that's just me being silly!

  9. Lets just recognise for a moment… The Borg destroyed Sisko's ship… Killed his wife… and ruined his life. What did he do? He went back to Earth and dedicated several years of his career to designing a ship to kick their ass! Sisko is a badass.

  10. The point about using the guns as clubs is a good point in general… For this instance though I'd say it's because as we find out at the end of part 2 the point was to capture everyone alive and put them in that simulation. Kira and Odo were the only two to actually escape

  11. 25:30 its all fake but they picked the right character for it. You would believe that Admiral Karen – the one who was dumb enough to side with the Cardassians on a treaty that basically created the Maquis situation, would go along with something as stupid as giving DS9 and Bajor to the Dominion.


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