Ryudamon Digivolves For The First Time: GINRYUDAMON | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 48 Review

Ryudamon has been spending more time with Kiyoshiro and Jellymon lately, and inspired by Gammamon Ryudamon Evolves to Ginryumon.

Can we expect Espimon to evolve? How about Airdramon?

Digimon World: Next Order INTERNATIONAL EDITION arrives February 22, 2023. β€œMultiple Digimon game products” are in development too! What would you like to play?

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Cassette Man Animation by Jess Tat jesstat.com
Outro Song: No Time To Explain by Good Kid
Writing, Narration & Editing: @CoreyOnline

0:00 INTRO
0:50 48 REVIEW



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29 thoughts on “Ryudamon Digivolves For The First Time: GINRYUDAMON | Digimon Ghost Game Episode 48 Review”

  1. hey uh, I know you said "digimon world GAMES" on ps1, but there's really only one digimon world game on the ps1 (There are multiple JP exclusive Vpet sims across that generation's game systems though, which half-counts, I guess.). The other two are more like prototypes for Digimon Story. There are, however, digimon world games on other systems. Re:Digitize and Decode exist, Digimon (world) Championship exists but is more in line with the spirit of the combat system than an actual world game, and then there's also next 0rder itself.

  2. This episode just blew up big time in Japan Digimon Twitter. It's either comparisons with Made in Abyss, how disturbing this WHOLE thing is or how it's just fetish fuel (unironically mind you). Imagine a kid in Japan tuning to the 9 a.m. Sunday morning cartoon channel and the anime was like Ruli turning into a mushroom bed and screaming in agony.

  3. For the question about ryudamon’s permanent evolved state, maybe the device has a unique function of giving the possibility of devolving for digimons?
    Cause for data, sometimes old data remains even after updates right? It just requires steps/techniques(?) to get the old data back and the digivice has that function.

    So for natural evolution, digimons can’t turn back …
    … unless there’s a way to drain the β€œupdated” data without dying in the process?

  4. This episode was a bit too gross for me.
    Also: one of the most scary scenes for me was when in 02 Ken was kidnapped with the other children in the truck. That scene freaked me out when I was a kid.

  5. The D-Reaper from Tamers scared me and still haunt me to this day.
    1. i had no idea that the creator of Serial Lane is who worked on tamers.
    2. it was just haunting and disturbing at the idea that a virus would use the traumatization of a girl losing her mother, held together by a broken family, who also doesnt feel like she fits in with kids, and the death of a new adult figure in her life by another adult figure she knew and even tried to befriend as a catalyst to fuel its insatiable need to delete the world. Taking all those negative emotions and events and making her relive them over and over is pretty much hell.

    if we are talking ghost game, its a tie between halloween episode (especially in the beginning) and arukanemons reappearance. Pumpmon taking a knife and carving a pumpkin on your head a mere inch or two from your face is down right disturbing, but arkanemon LITERALLY killed ppl in that episode by luring them into her "web". And what makes that worse is, like a spider, she probably did it when they were awake and conscious, and others had to sit there and watch that happen.

  6. The episode in Digimon Tamers where D-reaper Jeri transformed gave me nightmares as a kid. I also think theres a good amount of Jeri scenes in the later episodes of Tamer that were quite horrifying

  7. This episode was pretty gross, but I got to say the show is living up to it's horror themes. Also the more Kiyoshiro and Jellymon wins the better. Definitely cool that Ryudamon digivolved and I'm also curious if he's stuck in his evolved state too. I kind of would have liked if he and Espimon became partner Digimon but if they're going to be more like supports I think that's fine too. Also where's Ruli's second Digimon partner/support?

    I've only played a bit of Digimonstory Cyberslueth, I need to get back to playing it again, but I'm definitely enjoying it so far. I'm pretty happy there's another game planned for that series, I'd kind of like something not so set in the future though, like set around the early 2000s instead. I'm not sure about the World games though as it kind of seems like Sonic Adventure's Chao garden stuff but way more complicated. I love the Chao garden when it encourages a gameplay loop with those games, but not having that extra gameplay loop might not be by cup of tea.

    Anyway good to see Digimon getting more attention in general right now. The more games and anime the better IMO.

  8. Im shocked you didn't talked about the dark ending where the Digimn carry off the Mushroomon variant since they "Love mushrooms" which Hiro questions if Digimon do in fact eat other Digimon which even Angoromon didn't know if/if not was a case. It kinda made me shiver on how Digimon were eating humans but now turn it on its head with Digimon eating other Digimon.

  9. As a Dorumon line fan, I love the Ryudamon line as well!
    So getting to see Ryudamon and his Champion Ginryumon IS HYPE AS HELL!!!!

    Overall loved this episode!
    -Ginryumon was amazing!
    -Getting to see Thethismon in a melee fight for the first time was just as fantastic!
    -Geremon giving the Chamblemon a taste of their own medicine was hilarious!
    -As disturbing and horrifying as the Chamblemon ripping shrooms was, I feel like it gives a balance to all of the hype the episode had.

    I never played Next Order since Vita version was never brought State Side, but the gameplay never really intrigued me, especially the whole your Digimon will die and you have to start from scratch aspect.
    So if I buy it it'll be to support the franchise…

    But in terms of game hype, I can't wait for the next Story game! ESPECIALLY since they confirmed its Olympus XII themed!

  10. I Also agree dark ocean episode from 02 is one of the scariest episode of Digimon what's even scarier is not much is known about dark ocean I'm seriously intrigued to the demonlord Digimon that they trap there since it allow itself to be trap there what can I say you trap a dark Digimon on the dark ocean is not a good idea I can't wait I hope they make it a movie to finally answer the question every Digimon fan is wondering what happened to deamon in dark ocean

  11. Yea I don't think ginryumon is transforming back to ryudamon, much like all other secondary digimons, their evolution is permanent until they "transform into a digiegg", if he did transform back it's definitely something to do with kioshiro's bracelet

  12. A good creepy one is that one from Adventure 02 where kari is taken to the dark ocean for the first time. i want to say 13 maybe. also the multi-part set where ken kidnaps agumon and forces him to dark digivolve into a virus type metalgreymon.

  13. I'm still curious when ghost games is gonna become more story oriented don't get me wrong I enjoy a lot of the episodes, but it keeps teasing at an over arcing story but just goes back to being episodic, it's getting tedious but I can't wait till gulsugammamon gets the spotlight again


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