

  1. God bless George. He is a smart christian man. I can see in his face without words he knows exactly what's going on with our boy.
    Ryan has a MESSIAH COMPLEX.
    Its a mental state in which a person believes they are a messiah or prophet and will save or redeem people in a religious endeavor.
    I 💯 believe Ryan is a God fearing man. He just needs help. He needs prayer. God will decide what's right for him. He has a good genuine heart and soul. He's under attack by the enemy. It's the most faithful who end up under attack. God bless brother George and Ryan. Prayers and love to you both.

  2. If you truly want to help children you need to stay strong for them and not be putting alcohol and crap into your body and I hope your not making a mockery out of them. You're doing a dis service to all the folks paying hard earned money to watch your fight when you won't stay on the task ahead for Haney! If you don't want to fight just say so bro! You need to be clean body and mind especially if you want to be an example for Jesus Christ!

  3. Ryan Garcia is going thru a psychotic episode. He’s experiencing a loss of touch with reality and it’s most likely caused by the weed if that’s what he’s been smoking considering the “pass the blunt” in the beginning of this video. He’s most likely going thru Psychotic Depression and I’ve been there and am still recovering from it. Weed is sorcery in the Bible and it is very spiritual and a portal for the demons which is why (and especially as a Christian) I decided to quit a while ago. I’m still recovering from it and have experienced voices telling me similar things and those things turning into fruition. The whole turn to the book of Samuel and being called three times and laying in the same position he normally lays in, is something Satan can tell him because Satan knows the scripture, knows how Ryan is laying down, and knows if he tells Ryan to go there and read that verse that he will feel it is a spiritual gift. I’ve been there before and it is definitely a scary thing to think about after slowly coming out of it. The astral projections too and the out of body experiences. I’ve literally experienced these same things that Ryan is mentioning and understood it as the out of body experience that Saint Paul mentions. But like Saint Paul also mentions, these experiences are not to be concerned with because they are not important. If it’s not from God it’s not important. Pray for Ryan guys just because he’s going thru this doesn’t mean there is no truth to what he’s saying or that he’s not truly seeking God. He still has an unwavering confidence and these are the kinda tricks that Satan plays on the extremely confident because it is the best way to confuse them. Weed and the partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ during the Holy Communion cannot intermingle and I’ve learned this the hard way and Ryan will too. But God is near to the broken hearted and Ryan will prove to be victorious in the long run. May God be with him and may we continue to pray for him and ask the Lord guide him because he’s a genuine soul in a position of power with unwavering trust and confidence in the Lord with the ability to truly work towards bringing Thy Kingdom come on a much grander and more impactful level than any of us can as normal citizens. And George too! That’s not to say that we can’t have a Christ loving impact on this world but these are our leaders and genuine Christians who truly see the truth and to spread that. So let’s pray from them guys.

    Sincerely, battler of psychotic depression, ex-weed smoker, and fellow Coptic Orthodox Christian✝️

  4. God has favor for Garcia right now but he desperately needs proper discipleship and strong brothers in christ because i can see this going bad for García he needs proper covering and discipleship

  5. Ryan…I m in your corner bud….just dont say things out like that…dont tell your enemy what you gonna do. I know that De La Hoya got you into coke…Tank is a coke head too…but seriously dont tell them what you about to do.

  6. It’s cocaine and alcohol. I can read it so easily as someone who was an addict to both for most of my 20s. He needs support. He’s trying to use weed to cover up the fact he’s snorting tons of high quality cocaine. The ranting and yapping and stuttering. Scattered thoughts. Paranoia. Tell tale signs of cocaine

  7. The mans telling the truth, all he's doing, is telling people what really goes on in the backrooms of the fight game etc, mad what people will do for fame and money, they sell their souls to the devil, get their money and fame and in the end, that's not enough, they all start doing sick things.

  8. Ryan getting onto George for not saying F the pedos but Ryan only just started speaking on this so to condemn George for not doing the same is insane esp when George hasn’t seen or been through the same things Ryan has been through, it just seems like a attempt to make George look bad and to diminish the credibility of his logic

  9. Isaiah 54:17, Ephesians 6, and Psalm 91 over Ryan in Yeshua's Holy Name Amen.

    They call Jesus Crazy too.

    God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

    Watch Out of Shadows Documentary

    Trump is the only President to combat human trafficking

  10. God doesn’t give us a nervous, anxious spirit. When it’s God, it is patient, & you will feel peace with whatever direction your being lead.
    This man is going through spiritual warfare. The enemy doesn’t want him exposing the darkness, so spirits are confusing him. Ultimately he is coming unhinged. We need to pray for him 🙏

  11. One thing ion like about Ryan in his spiritual sense is when he thinks he knows it all about the word of Christ but also trying to compare life situations that he hasn’t been in , we all speak from different experiences and god works in many ways .

  12. Guys, I’m not professional at all. But he is around the age where schizophrenia onsets. I’m not saying he is lying or anything. But his behavior is concerning. Not to say this isn’t traumatic either. I feel for this guy no matter what. He seems like a great guy.

  13. This is hard to watch. It's a very sad and tragic mental breakdown of a young and promising kid happening right in front of the world to see. There is absolutely no way this fight is happening, and it shouldn't. He really needs to get help with this.


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