RWBY: Ice Queendom Episode 11 "Light in Shadows" BREAKDOWN

Evil Blake has got it going on

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46 thoughts on “RWBY: Ice Queendom Episode 11 "Light in Shadows" BREAKDOWN”

  1. thats the part i find kinda silly, after all the stuff we've been through,
    the final nightmare that they have to fight off to finish this is the one that infected jaune and got put inside blake,
    not the one that infected weiss and started this entire arc

  2. Yup Silver Eyes. Called in it like episode 6 i think. Was just so obvious that it was going to be an thing. So sad. Also the second Weiss is no longer under Grimm Control she takes an immediate L. Literally the second the influence breaks …boom back to Cannon Weiss. Overall the episode was fun enough . Probably a 5/10 for me.

  3. By itself this was a pretty good episode (Big Nick, the animation, all that), but when you look back at the rest of the series it just hurts…

    – Jaune and the sillies really were just useless, after all. I could've sworn Dream Pyrrha was going to be a part of Weiss or something, but no, she was just there. And they took a BIG chunk of the series, too. To top it off, the real Weiss didn't even react to the mini Weisses. Come on.
    – The relics were kinda just filler. The black relic opened the door to the nightmare and nothing else.
    – What was the point of infecting Ruby? They teased us with a cool dream world for her at the end of episode 8, then it got immediately resolved by Jaune next episode; THEN they showed us her palm was still infected in episodes 9 and 10, but now she just used her silver eyes and that's it, apparently? Why make such a fuss about it if it wasn't gonna matter in the end? They can't tackle it next episode, there's not enough time for that.

    Ice Queendom had potential, and it's okay, good even, but all these plotlines ultimately didn't add as much as I had hoped, and they ate a lot of time which would've come in handy for making the Volume 1 recap flow better. The characters are on point, tho.

  4. Considering that in Volume 9 of the actual show team RWBY and Jaune will once again be trapped in a dream world, and this is supposed to be "canon-adjacent", they could reference this anime, could they not? 🤔

  5. With how effectively the ice Queendom portion of this anime has wrapped up, I just have to say…….what was the point of Yang?

    She didn’t really contribute much except just add onto Ruby(like when they were in the room of Weiss’ precious stuff to think about how she views them) or add onto Blake(like when she decided to unleash the nightmare on her to which she opposed it with no avail). Yang has no reason to be here with what the show gives us and I personally think it’s because of Jaune. Yeah, we dunk on him a lot, but seriously, I think a lot of problems with this show come from the show wasting so much time on him. Like Jaune’s main contributions to the story was A. Freeing the mini Weisses, B. Getting the yellow relic, and C. Playing a sort of guardian to all the things that were seemingly locked up by Weiss. It may just be me, but none of these actions really scream “Jaune” or at least be an immediate thought. Now Yang on the other hand, they make sense. She’s the older sister character and the fun one, she would totally let Weiss’ silly side out and guard them with her life. That and how I still don’t think it makes sense for Jaune to get the yellow relic when Ruby, Weiss, and Blake all got their relic and Yang is sidelined for the yellow to apparently be Jaune.

    Ah yes, RWBY, representing the 4 colors red, white, black, and yellow for our main leads of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Ya-JAUNE.

  6. Eruptionfang, I just want to add something to what you said about "digging down." Out of all 4 of the girls, Weiss is the only character that has had to really dig down in the fights she's been in because she doesn't have a real Get Out of Jail Free Card.

    Ruby has her Silver Eyes, which basically acts as a tactical nuke for Grimm.
    Yang has her BS semblance that allows her to basically one-shot anything that has been kicking her ass.
    Blake has her clones to help her run away if she ever gets into a fight she feels she can't win.

    I think that's why Negative Weiss slapping Team RBY around so easily was so cathartic.

  7. considering that Jaune took down the mental image of Jacque, I think he inadvertently destroyed Weiss's insecurity version of her asshole father, is that gonna effect Weiss in some way?

  8. Eruptionfang: "she's breed able and submissive able as your wildest dreams can hope her to be"
    Me: "just like Adam got to have her"

    Sorry for the miss spelling. I suck at Grammer. Lol 😅

  9. This episode saved the show to me. I had never really lost faith. I knew that them putting little to no effort into previous episodes only meant that they would put all their effort to make one of these last episodes banger. That is exactly what they did, and that is all I wanted from this show. To be reminded of Monty, Jeff, and Casey. This episode proved to me that they cared, they knew what we were hoping for and they delivered. I think people complain about this show for the wrong reasons. The fact of the matter is that I now have fight scenes from this show in my favorites playlist, AND music from this show in my favorites playlist. As an animator who has been a part of the production process before, I am not gonna blame them for not being able to make the show work in every aspect. This was simply put a fan project. And I applaud the fact that they were able to make something this good even if most people wanted it to be on par with their expectations.

    Edit: also no, evil blake didn't get bodied. She 2v1ed both blake and yang and body slammed yang. Obviously she wasn't going to hold a 1v4 for long, she's still blake, not Adam.

  10. Honestly if they were going to have the silver eyes power show up here it might've worked better if it were during the second attempt where Blake and Yang were in danger or in Ruby's short nightmare. Serving as a reason to how Ruby was able to easily break free of it's hold or perhaps have Summer show up in Ruby's nightmare and use the silver eyes that way. Forcing Ruby back to Weiss's dream while not really knowing what happened.

  11. I think Nightmare Blake getting ragdolled was more like she lost lost a huge chunk of her strength when its' host broke out of its' grasp.

    I should probably point this out in case someone hasn't already but Ruby was recalling every bit of what Weiss said to her back when Ruby was trapped in her nightmare while dealing with the Nightmare Grimm and making full use of her wisdom which was the key to snuffing it out. As for the Silver Eyes thing, I guess Ruby could have gotten out of her entanglement using her semblance but this is way before Ruby fully understood the extent of her Swift Pedals capabilities. At the same time, I also agree with Ozpin saying strenuous battles awakens hidden abilities in a person. Ruby has awakened her Silver Eyes but it will be a while before she uncovers the full nature or become aware of it.

    Actually getting to see Big Nicholas in a flashback was unexpected but welcomed as we got to see the kind of person Weiss looked up to and aspired to be. Though I think it was never implied that he was Weiss's grandpa in the main series while even the part of his existence was unknown and was only in a World of Remnant short that went over the history of the Schnee Dust Company. In that sense this was a huge service.

    That part about digging deep has never been something that was utilized in the main show so I wasn't too surprised that concept in anime wasn't used much here. UNTIL YOU READ THE OFFICIAL MANGA ON VIZ that actually made use of that knocked down but still getting back up concept to some degree especially when you get to that mech fight against Roman Torchwick and the supposed opponents Team RWBY faced in that train that the official manga had changed along with altering the contents of the last episode of volume 2. In other words, some manga writer though only adapting volumes 1 and 2 of the main series on RWBY did a real anime style take on some key fights in those volumes via his own manga version of RWBY. Then again, this IS a dreamscape so a lot of normal logic already flew off the window.

    While I do get the gripes with animation and pacing this series had, I will say this anime take on RWBY was pretty good. Not a 10/10 but I say above 6. Animation budget I get that's an issue that can not be helped and I don't think the story was as a dragging as many people saying it was. But then I find it unreasonable when some comments I see elsewhere are saying they wished Weiss's Nightmare was dealt with in three episodes so that we can focus on the nightmares of the other girls which I say unreasonable because that would take each of them becoming possessed by a Nightmare. All because they can't forgive the series for terrible pacing, awful animation and that it was rinse and repeat. It's overblown if you ask me. It's like they rather see a rushed arc with nearly no shown development for the characters since the main shows does it later anyway as forced as those were and would rather have a story that sounds very contrived that would not have worked organically on paper.

  12. Now to call the final episode… Foodfight with a tease towards a possible season 2 where we go inside Ruby's dreamworld. (for those still thinking that Ruby is cured, watch the hand in episode 9 before Nightmare Blake shows up.)

  13. Okay I gotta say this cause this is funny to me. If anyone has ever played the game cookie run kingdom, there's the eggnog Christmas cookies that's basically Santa lots of people have drew human versions of him. And Nicholas looks just like him which makes sense since he represents Saint Nick/Santa in the first place lol

  14. Personally, I feel like the Silver-Eyes could potentially be more than just an explosion, especially when considering that even to this day, we still don’t really know that much about them.
    But, i guess that is up to Rooster Teeth.

  15. 3:09 I have to disagree on Pyrrha replacing Jaune, for a simple story reason: Pyrrha isn't close to Weiss.
    It's not overt in the series, but close observers can discern that Pyrrha doesn't really care about Weiss the same way Jaune or team RWBY do. It goes back to their first meeting: Weiss just presumes Pyrrha would want to be on her team (and by extension, be her friend) not out of any character interaction, but because of Pyrrha's skill levels and ability, which in Weiss's eyes is more important. From there, she presumes Pyrrha would sympathize with her situation.
    We see this in IQ, especially with the frequency of Pyrrha seen interacting with the "goofy Weiss" children, protecting them, fighting with them, brushing their hair, etc. That Dream-Pyrrha's outfit matches the dress surrounded by the nightmare vines is another indicator.

    What all this says, though, is that Weiss really doesn't know Pyrrha at all.

    Is Pyrrha a better fighter than Jaune? Of course, absolutely. But would her presence make sense story-wise? Not at all.

  16. I'm going to defend the silver eyes bit: it was taking place in a dream world and the silver eye warriors probably featured in at least one fairy tale Weiss has heard, so Ruby suddenly unleashing a generic anti-grimm power in exactly the sort of situation the vaguely described anti-grimm power would trigger makes perfect sense as dream logic to anyone who doesn't already know it's not just a fairy tale.

  17. episode 11 was alright. I didn't questioned Ruby's Sliver eyes or her "Magical sharingan" activating randomly. She was so determined to save her friend from that Nightmare grimm so it was only a matter of time her eyes might save her from a Threat stopping her.

    Nega Blake seem very not overwhelming despite fighting neck and neck against Nega Weiss, she is later defeated and killed..

    Yang's "Super Saiyan" semblance scene was so cool. I'm glad they added it in, i was hoping to see her semblance in this anime"

  18. Pyrrha getting infected by the Nightmare during the entrance exam instead of Jaune would've made so much more sense. They could given Jaune his time to shine rescuing Pyrrha from the first Nightmare with Ren and Nora then have Pyrrha be the one to help out with Weiss.

  19. I definitely enjoyed this series. It wasn't perfect by any means, but in RWBY's standards this is definitely at the top and it's not even a contest. If they decide to continue this series I'll be very happy.

    I wonder if we'll get something similar out of the Miraculous Ladybug movie, since we're on the topic of "remakes about shows about magical girls that are aggressively wasted potential."

  20. If RWBY proper didn't exist. This version could be acceptable. Tho tbh. Since ep 8, I kinda slept through most of the part. It didn't help that this show get released an hour before my work and sometimes watching it becomes an after though.

    I just wish it to end. Is that bad?

    Also I just wish Ruby getting nightmared won't get brush off. Im still waiting for a plot twist that maybe this is just in Ruby's dream and she's still trapped in her nightmare.

  21. Something that I'm not quite sure if it is a plot hole or not. Ruby's silver eye ability shouldn't have appeared in Weiss's dream because Weiss doesn't know it exists and neither does Ruby.

    Everything in the show up until now was based on Weiss's opinion of herself and other's around her (It's even stated that the only people that can enter the dream are close friends because if they weren't in the dreamer's subconscious then they wouldn't be able to exist in the dream). I can excuse Yang's bike because it could be implied that Weiss somehow heard Yang talk about it or saw her ride it off screen, but Ruby's silver eyes ability only got revealed when Beacon fell in Volume 3 which couldn't have happened before the timeline.

    So this must mean that the silver eyes are unique and can appear in the dream or there's more to the dreams than just what's in the dreamer's subconscious


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