Russia’s nuclear threat: what Putin’s speech means for Ukraine war

Vladimir Putin went on Russian TV to call-up 300,000 reservists to fight in Ukraine, in a speech that also threatened the prospect of nuclear war.


Putin accused the West of nuclear blackmail, warning he wasn’t bluffing when he said he had “lots of weapons to reply.”

At the United Nations President Biden said the threat was reckless and we bring you the latest from New York.
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40 thoughts on “Russia’s nuclear threat: what Putin’s speech means for Ukraine war”

  1. Russia will not make an explosion in Ukraine, she still has to live there. The explosion may be in Great Britain and the USA, If you remove NATO from Europe, and there will be no weapons in Ukraine, there will be no war!!!! Or learn the Great Russian Language!!!

  2. Nuclear war is now inevitable with Russia. Putins referendum will allow this fixed voting for him to claim its Russian territory. Once missiles start to hit these regions Putin will use tactical nuclear weaponry first to take out the capital Kiev then flatten Ukraine entirely. ..

  3. The invasion of a country that is now defending itself speaks for itself. Putin is loosing his grip on the people of Russia, they are leaving Putins regime in thousands ! Get rid of this Chump!

  4. Why don't these news channels remind folks that the US is the only country that attacked Japan with nuclear devices which killed over half million civilians not to mention the injuries, they never mention something as monumental as this, they demonize Russia and glamorize the US without mentioning something as historical as this, imagine if it would have been Russia, you would never hear the end of it with news films, historical films, you name it any dirt they could dig up. Fake News..

  5. Unfortunately we are having to deal with a dem. admin. for the next couple of years (if we live that long). As it is…too bad we couldn't at least have a "decent" dem. pres. like JFK, was.
    We are all phucking doomed with the idiots (supposedly) in charge.

  6. It's cool.
    Just hold up your thumb to the mushroom cloud.
    If you thumb is bigger than the cloud, it's OK.
    If your thumb is smaller than the cloud, chill in the fallout shelter until work resumes.

  7. I wonder if it has occurred to all those Russians, who dream of Empire, that if this all turns south for them, the Ukrainians may not be so magnanimous as to settle for reparations… has it occurred to them that the Ukrainians might demand revenge?
    I wonder how those Russians would feel about having done to them, what they have done to Ukraine… on THEIR own doorsteps?
    There must be something not working quite correctly with the Russian Brain. Russia can not maintain conventional warfare against a United Western Europe (and that's without even including American troops). As for that poison dwarf's blustering about tactical nuclear options (and insinuating by inference, strategic nuclear options)… well that option, amongst other things includes the complete and utter obliteration of Russia, its People and culture.
    For a man who claims to be such a well-read expert on history, that porcine ballon-head in the Kremlin seems to have a very selective memory and limited understanding.
    YeeeHaaa UnterPoccNR!


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