Russia’s Black Sea fleet fail to retreat beyond Ukraine’s attack range

“What we’ve seen is Ukraine scoring goals in the Black Sea, and that’s been by using a combination of new technology and new weapons.”

Western weapons, including scalp and storm shadow cruise missiles are helping Ukraine to destroy Russian ships in the Black Sea, The Sun’s defence editor Jerome Starkey tells #TimesRadio.

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44 thoughts on “Russia’s Black Sea fleet fail to retreat beyond Ukraine’s attack range”

  1. Ukraine can trust Europe but I am not sure about relying on AMERICA. USA signed the Budapest memorandum when Ukraine give up its nuclear weapons. But congress fail them. They should have kept it.

  2. Ukraine President just today says a new counterattack is in the works… and I believe him. He needs a Big push to repel the chatter over firing his Top General. Furthermore I believe Russia is believing its own propaganda and falling into a trap. I hope to stay a minority Until it happens:)

  3. If Europe wants to avoid a new European war, then it must increase it's support to Ukraine as well as stop doing business with a thieving war criminal like Putin. The naive vision of a responsible Russia and China must be undone to reflect reality or the consequences will be severe. If you are a Harry Potter fan, then you will recognize that Europe is now having a Minister Fudge moment, a POV that is based on the fear of having to acknowledge and take action against an obviously evil enemy. They have the choice to do what is right or what is easy, which is a sentiment also expressed in those books.

  4. It would be a walk-over if Putin just spent his money internally, rather than in bribing the CORRUPT "republican" party which is now almost 100% the opposite of what it was just a couple of decades ago – The "REPUBLICAN PARTY" is now PRO-RUSSIA and ANTI-AMERICA!

    Just taking out Tommy T – the "T" standing for Traitor – would be a good start, as the US military would be able to move on the internal promotions Tommy Traitor has been stalling ON hIS OWN, for nearly 2 years… it could be longer – he's certainly earning his roubles!

  5. “It’s a war against us. It’s a war that requires us to mobilize our societies if we are to remain at peace.”
    — Gen. Sir Richard Shirreff, Deputy Commander of NATO in Europe 2011-2014, in remarks three weeks ago

  6. Russia and it people lose ether way, their standard of living has gone down and if India will stop buying their oil maybe the restrictions will hurt more.
    India is no Allie of the west.

  7. Not the first time an army was critically low on artillery ammo: There was the "Shell Crisis of 1915". The soldiers at the front line have always been at the mercy of political inaction back home in planning failures.

  8. If your going to blame americans the get the right ones mainly the maga right wing blocking aid in every way Marjorie Taylor Matt gaetz Jim Jordan and their speaker of the house who refused to even bring the bill up for a vote so take your anger out on the right people these are the people who have Ukrainian blood on their hands

  9. Yes, 2023 looked like stagnation on the battlefield but it was not really entirely stagnation as Ukrainian forces continued to destroy vast amounts of Russian military equipment that Russia had accumulated since 1950.

    Although continuing this war for two more years is a horrible prospect for Ukraine it is also true that at the rate Russia is losing military equipment by summer 2025 Russian ground based military equipment will likely be reduced to whatever Russia can currently produce as all the equipment it has saved up for 74 years will have been destroyed or captured.

    By continuing his pointless war of attrition Putin is effectively destroying the Russian military that took three quarters of a century for Russia to build up.

  10. Expect long range strikes on critical fuel and transport targets deep in Russia. Drone warfare at longer and longer ranges along with unknown disasters at various production sites that may or may not be caused by Ukraine.

  11. It's realy unbelievable, Ukrainians are spending those precious little they have on chasing upsolite sheep's that are not engaged in war while they are loosing village after village and being massacred on field… But worry not it will all be over soon

  12. Here is the thing and it's true. Although some of the NATO countries have stepped up a bit but not enough. Now before I say this believe me, I support giving Ukraine what it needs because I know what will likely happen if Ukraine fails and Russia takes it. However it doesn't matter what the USA citizens want. Congress has full control over this unless threatened with being voted out in a very real way. So to start.
    Every NATO country should be at least doubling or even triple their military budget at least for a year. They need to get the factories rolling out ammo in a big way and step up all military recruitment and training. Then can't keep sitting back and letting the USA foot the bill. some have stepped but has not stepped up enough. I'm not going to name who is doing what needs to be done and who does not. They know who they are. If the countries that will be effected the most by Russian invasion are not going to step up their game in a real way then why should the USA continue to support? We CAN protect our land and people from most attacks of any kind. All countries need to think this way and do what needs to be done to make it very difficult even if it never happens. Being in the military during peace time for your country and income is a great option. I;'m speaking more about making weapons even if it just basic ammo and, weapons, machinery and people to operate.


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