Russian warships launch missiles at mock enemy targets during Pacific Fleet drills

FOOTAGE shows Russian warships launching missiles at mock enemy targets during Pacific Fleet drills.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD), during the operational exercise of the Pacific Fleet, anti-submarine ships discovered and attacked a mock enemy submarine, and also fired artillery at sea and air targets.

This video has not yet been verified by The Sun.

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48 thoughts on “Russian warships launch missiles at mock enemy targets during Pacific Fleet drills”

  1. Im proud that Israel has developed the most advanced air defense systems in the world. These systems have helped to protect Israel from its enemies and have saved jewish lives.

    I urge Ukraine to beg Israel to teach them how to build air defense systems. Israel has a lot to offer Ukraine, and then we'll figure out how Ukraine could repay the debt. Israel has the experience, the technology, and the expertise to help Ukraine develop its own air defense systems.

  2. Didn't see the "…Pacific Fleet drills" part when I clicked. So I was hoping to see Ruzzuns in the Black Sea shooting at Ukrainian plywood decoy ships.

  3. It seem the Ukrainians have taught Russia to stay away from enemy targets on land that can return fire. Good chance of Russia winning if they only launch missiles at mock enemy targets at sea and practice really hard at not hitting their own.


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