Russian BMPT Terminator’s Surprising Tactics in Ukraine’s Battlefield

Since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukraine conflict on February 24, 2022, both countries have been earnestly bolstering their land arsenals. A notable addition to the Russian Armed Forces’ arsenal is the extensive deployment of the BMPT Terminator combat vehicles, particularly in the Avdiivka region of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine. These cutting-edge vehicles are highly regarded by the Russian industry and have been consistently employed throughout the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Excitingly, the BMPT Terminator has recently showcased surprising tactics on the battlefield, adding a new dimension to its combat capabilities. Join us to uncover more about these innovative strategies, as well as the detailed specifications and capabilities of the BMPT in mission scenarios!


24 thoughts on “Russian BMPT Terminator’s Surprising Tactics in Ukraine’s Battlefield”

  1. Well, it is not a tank killer. Actually, its performance in Ukraine was quite disappointing. Just another vehicle that pumped 30mm rounds into a forest line or building until it was hit by a UAV or ATGM.
    Really nothing a BMP2 couldn't have done just as good.

    I'm in quite a lot of pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian channels on Telegram and else and there is literally not a single video out there where a Terminator defeated a MBT.

    And by the way: Something that was NOT documented on video, or at least on photo, but is solely based on a statement of the Russian military, which is known for releasing more BS per day than a human soul can digest in a lifetime, cannot be called an "undeniable evidence". As a matter of fact, calling it that way while you are not showing that exact evidence, but the default advertisement material of the BMPT, makes you sound like a complete clown =)

  2. 23? you mean 21 left, i did see two videos of these so called terminator's turrets go 90 metres into the sky from cheap homemade fire extinguisher RPGs, also they've been almost non existent in Ukraine plus the west gave Ukraine ton's of night vision gear

  3. So the greatness of this vehicle is demonstrated by MoD report, that in the night, it started to shoot something in the distance?

    Whooooa, color me impressed, here I thought that we would get something like "just 3 of these broke the defensive line at X", or "repelled column of Y Ukrainian vehicles". But no… the impressiveness of this BMPT is demonstrated best by shooting in night and not confirming any kills 🤣

    Oh and from that 23 total, at least 1 destroyed and 1captured, this is visually confirmed, more would have been put out of service.

  4. LMFAO!!!! WTF is this? You might as well be doing a symposium on the T-14 and how effective it is… the only difference is that the BMPT has actually been confirmed to have taken losses in the Ukrainian conflict, whereas Putin wouldn't dare field a T-14 MBT in Ukraine to get hosed… then what would he sell to the other BRICS nations? I am now stupider after having watched this video.

  5. People look at the weapons….
    The real threat and capabilities of an army is connection. Data and communication shared between different types on the battlefield.
    Russia has an outdated army in regards of strategy, tactics, training, communication. It has to compensate this with numbers.


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