Russian artillery fires at Ukrainian towns near nuclear plant | Latest International News | WION

War in Ukraine has entered its seventh month with no end in sight to what Moscow calls its special military operation. Meanwhile Russian artillery fired at Ukrainian towns near nuclear plant.

#russiaukraine #sloviansk #ukrainewar

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31 thoughts on “Russian artillery fires at Ukrainian towns near nuclear plant | Latest International News | WION”

  1. Ukraine’s much-heralded β€œcounter-offensive” in Kherson has β€œfailed miserably,” the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday, listing the losses suffered by Kiev at the end of the day. Ukrainian forces attempted to attack in three directions on orders of President Vladimir Zelensky but made no gains, Moscow said.

    Russian troops caused β€œgreat losses” to the Ukrainian attackers during the day’s battles, including 26 tanks, 23 armored fighting vehicles, nine more armored vehicles, two SU-25 ground-attack jets and more than 560 troops, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Monday evening.

  2. Russians are occupying the nuclear power plant and Ukraine army is shelling the nuclear power plant to hit Russians …
    If power plant explodes , both Ukraine and Russia and several other countries face severe effects ….
    Western military personnel currently in Ukraine will leave …..
    Russians will leave that area ….
    Ukraine is not in a position to safeguard the leaking ration leaking power plant ….
    Who will save that situation ??.

  3. The one and only Wion reporter capable and pedantic enough, to learn to pronunciate foreign names correctly. Even if it’s very difficult, his pronunciation is excellent. While the sloppy person, writing the titles isn’t even able to spell full names …

  4. Are this channel that stupid πŸ˜’
    Russians are in npp and in surrounding areas so they cannot bomb themselves!!!!
    It is Ukranians who are bombing!!!
    GOT IT πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  5. The world media must face this real crisis Russia &:Ukraine .stop with the distraction about China & Taiwan , Syria & Israel , & the staged Artemis space act and face the real global wardemic.

  6. Russia hit and miss not precise not strategic UKRAINE are hitting there Mark and making all there moves count, the world stands with the Ukraine. SLAVA UKRAINA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦.

  7. Putin has managed to:
    – Give NATO a strong purpose

    – Expand NATO with 2 countries

    – Unite the EU countries

    – Create a strong Ukrainian identity

    – Make Ukraine global heroes

    – Crush the Russian oligarchs

    – Stop western trade with Russia
    – Inflict unprecedented suffering for innocent, civilian Ukranians

    – Send 50.000 Russian boys to a certain death- Descimate Russian car production by 97%
    – Show the world that "Mother Russia" stands above the survival of human kind in a nuclear blackmail
    – Proven that lies, looting, rapes, genocide, bombing schools and hospitals, is legitimate methods in Russian warfare
    – Exclude Russia from UN security council, Eurovision, FIFA, UEFA, Council of Europe… to mention a few



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