Russian army face crisis: Drone Attack Hits Another Oil Depot Near Putin’s Crimea Bridge

Ukrainian Army Deals Major Blow to Russian Invaders in Crimea
In the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian Army has been successful in downing drones belonging to the Russian invaders and destroying their ammunition shipments. The Russian army, which had planned to invade Ukraine, is now being defeated by the Ukrainian army, which is systematically destroying the strategic points of the invaders. The Crimean peninsula remains the key region of the war, with Ukrainian leader Zelenski stating his goal of retaking it from Russia. Recent developments in Crimea have once again shown the determination of the Ukrainian army and people to achieve victory. The Safe Zone team provides impartial and accurate reporting on all developments in the war, and readers can support their efforts by clicking the “Super Thanks” button. In a major blow to the Russian occupiers in Crimea, the Ukrainian army has destroyed a large shipment of their ammunition, showcasing their effectiveness as a fighting force.
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13 thoughts on “Russian army face crisis: Drone Attack Hits Another Oil Depot Near Putin’s Crimea Bridge”

  1. Good looks good on the mass murderer Lunatic Putin many Blessing to all our Heroes of Ukraine🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 All Russians all their lives fight between each other Russians don't know the difference they were born this way Dog eat Doggy day after night 24/7 They just Love Fighting nuisances.We the people of Canada 🇨🇦🇨🇦 don't want Russians in our Country none 000000 Zeros Zeros Russians don't know what Happiness means.🇨🇦🇨🇦


    Ukraine's losses per day:

    490 servicemen;

    1 command and staff vehicle;

    10 armored combat vehicles;

    17 cars;

    1 D-20 howitzer;

    1 howitzer "Msta-B";

    3 self-propelled artillery "Acacia";

    1 self-propelled artillery installation "Gvozdika";

    The control point of the 107th Brigade of the Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed.

    The point of repair, restoration of weapons and military equipment of the 65th mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed.

    3 warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons of the 55th Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 65th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 121st Brigade of Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed..

    The actions of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group were suppressed.

    A Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down.

    Four HIMARS multiple rocket launchers were intercepted.

    10 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed.

    All NATO weapons will be destroyed.


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