Russian Ambassador: UK 'too deep' in Ukraine war

Russian Ambassador Andrei Kelin has told Sky News that the UK is “too deep” in the Ukraine war.

Mr Kelin also admitted that Russian President Vladimir Putin is looking for a way out of the conflict.

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45 thoughts on “Russian Ambassador: UK 'too deep' in Ukraine war”

  1. What the ambassador should be saying is that Russia 'is in too deep ' and this is causing a 'dangerous situation '. But as usual they try to divert attention from their own crimes by trying to blame others.

  2. It is a war, and the Russians will destroy infrastructure to limit troop movement and materials….yes Russians started the war, but unfortunately, wars do target energy supply and food supply to limit Ukrainian troops etc, but unfortunately, this will effect the population of any country under attack. But I am surprised, the Ukrainians haven't targeted Russian infrastructure on a regular basis, which in my mind, it holds them on a higher ground in the ethical war…and ultimately wins the hearts and minds war to the west.

  3. It's despicable what Russia is doing in Ukraine but UK and the west have blood on their hands poking the bear, being the worlds dictator and interfering in the politics of yet another beautiful country for so long.

  4. Nonsense uk n usa always lie and have done its there history but they are the best at getting away with lieing.get this presenter infront of putin and qe will see about evidence. Uk is a mess down to mps media and truss now sunak absaloute mess. And I won't be suprised if truss set it up she lied more than hitler and got away with ruining uk while scamming 128 grand a year for the rest of her life.

  5. I mean Russia has no reason to blow up the pipeline…. an the west has said their helping Ukraine get reconnaissance….. is the interviewer trying to say that England isnt providing training and weapons to Ukraine

  6. The sky-interviewer did a great job to expose this spineless propaganda-liar of russia. After waking up every morning, what does the ambassodor see in the mirror? I could not stand to live a lie in that! dimenson. Russia, a once great country now ruled by malignant narcissistic street-dogs like Vladolf Putler and represented by third world tools like this joke of an ambassador.

  7. Well, the statement "Britain is only involved in this conflict because your country invaded a sovereign independent state" says it all, but not as the Sky News reporter probably thinks.
    It didn't start "out of the blue" on 2022-02-24 and repeating this simplistic narrative doesn't help us ending this conflict, on the contrary.

  8. The British were just tourists in the baltic sea. Its a popular visitors spot because everybody knows that the baltic sea in that spot is 123 meters deep. Curiously the same height of Salisbury cathedral where no dangerously powerful poison was released to kill a Russian opononent

  9. This interviewer is so ignorant and he knows Britan doesn't give a crap about ukrainian civilians if they did they wouldn't have killed tens of millions in their colonization wars all over the world. When they attack its ok as long as jonone else does. Besides, interviews said Russia is in Ukraine, Ukraine is not bilritan. Soon I am sure Russia will have enough and the west will get what they want, war with Russia and I hope Russia evaporates that little dirty sneeky little island

  10. Who are the British telling other countries about war crimes and invasions etc look at recent history involving the British military… just stfu… the only reason the British government and the white British people are even bothered is because this time it’s white people being killed… when it was millions of civilians from Iraq Syria Afghanistan Yemen Jordan Palestine Kashmir Africa being killed no one spoke out then so please just shut the F up

  11. Our we did not hit there electrical Bridges tactical hello let's not forget Iraqi soldiers had mines all around them they could not leave leaflets was thrown out of helicopters we had to be mind the place to get to the prisoners

  12. Whole Putin's regime are crazy, nuclear weapon against west country, blocked grain for Africa, raping and killing innocent people in Ukraine in XXI century …

  13. I fear Britain will soon find what they are looking for,.Russian Retaliations'. Britain most stop bombing Russian infrastructures..acts of terrorism are for terrorist not Democratic Nations.

  14. Amazes me how there's never a mention on Sky News or any Western media outlet that the war was started in 2014 by a pro US Ukrainian government that took over the then pro Russian government. That government then tripled attacks on the Dombass over recent years, provoke a bear & not expect it to bite? The narrative that Putin is just a crazy guy that wants to conquer land is ridiculous. NATO has also broken every agreement with Russia on expansion to the East, not the other way around. Seriously people ask yourself why this war started and look to a number of different independent media outlets to get a better understanding of what's really going on.


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