Russia: US should pay compensation to countries affected | Latest World News | Top News | WION

Who sabotaged the Nord stream pipeline? This is the question that has been doing the realms for months. Experts have given their comments, investigators have probed the blasts and analysts offered their insights.

#Nordstream #sabotage #WION

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30 thoughts on “Russia: US should pay compensation to countries affected | Latest World News | Top News | WION”

  1. THE US MILITARY could care LESS if it was TREASON to blow up RUSSIAS PIPE LINE,they kill children all the time,THE WORSE FILTH IN HISTORY HAS NOW TURNED THE ENTIRE WORLD AGAINST AMERICA,you FOOLS are finished,there will be so many countries ATTACKING YOU SHORTLY,the bombs will be coming from every direction…

  2. All was peaceful before the US threatened to sanction Germany if Germany took any more gas from Russia. It is perfectly clear that the USA is the BIGGEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE AND SECURITY AND THEY SHOULD BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.

  3. I already read that confiscated russian money will be used to build up Ukraine. That is a strong message to other countries who also have ambitions to expand their territory. Long live Ukraine. Crimea is Ukraine.

  4. Exactly my thoughts, that it is US them self that blow up the pipelines – Just be because they're almost always the first to help whit whatever it may be, all over the world, they're no "Angels/God" or better than most others.
    IF they are to gain something from doing this or that, they will do it, i ha e absolutely no doubt in my mind.!!!
    And of course, no one will put their name on it, even though they know for a fact, that this is done by US.

  5. If you look at the images of the metal being bent outward and think further than the current ukraine invasion. The USA has no benefit of removing the pipeline. The current gas storage is more than enough to survive a global shortage, ONLY for a short term…
    You need to look at the long term, when Russia does stop or collapse, why would the US want to remove a future investment to help rebuild a corrupt government and provide energy security. It's like blowing up the bridge to protect yourself for now, but you need to cross that river to get food.
    This is all based around George sorrows and he invests in oil and destabilization of markets. So take it as you want, if Russia collapses, or they back down, how does the US or Europe befit from destroying oil supply, they don't. The best thing is to fight the front and push the ending of the conflict. Gazprom has everything to gain by letting it get destroyed, they are no longer legally obligated to supply the oil under contract with fees for breaking the agreed contract. In the long term, Gazprom would have had to pay the billions of usd to resume shipments, and the USA can only supply so much in the long term.

  6. Somebody tried to stop Germany from getting any Russian gas, destroying the pipelines,
    it leaves Germany no choice but buying expensive gas from "somebody".
    US makes a big deal out of a balloon, but kinda quiet after the pipelines incident.
    Go figures.

  7. About Nord stream – I know that there are contractual obligations for russia to provide gas from russia since Gazprom is a state owned company. If the pipe gets blown up the russian state owned gas company hopes to not have to pay damages for stopped gas deliveries and the contract breech. Clear motive.

  8. Ex-Secretary to Senator Joseph McCarthy (McCarthyism) wrote U.S. purposely w/ premeditation massacred thousands of children & women in Vietnam, also wrote in 2015 that U.S. lied about Osama Bin-Laden raid, that he was merely in a Pakistan Jail, and recently that in Mid- 2021 months prior Russian invasion,

    3 U.S. Agencies w/ help of 4 Nations that included Norway & Sweden, begun plans for pre-strapped Bombs on German Sea Pipelines. But waited until months after 2022 Russian invasion, to blow up the Pipelines. And that these U.S. actors & other Governments have managed to keep Conspiracy theory quiet, until He – this writer uncovered the Plot.

    Invasion or not, U.S was going to Sabotage Sea pipelines anyway. So it can sell LNG to Germany who – had no National infrastructure to readily switch for LNG, and no New Empty LNG Tankers laying around Parked – for new EU – Buyers of LNG. And also without most EU Nations having no LNG ports, Tankers, nor Infrastructure for LNG. In a Nut-shell, this is What WION is Reporting from, Cherry-picked story of U.S. Sabotage all along, and Russia needs $$ Payment. LOL!


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