Bright Sky RP | SAST Fleet Reveal (March 2023)

What is BSRP?
BrightSkyRP originally started back in summer of 2021 to create an ideal FiveM server where anyone can come, play, and enjoy their time while every member can have their voices heard. Unfortunately due to financial limitations, the server was closed after 8 months. At the time of closure, we had over 350 members and had over 20 active LEOs, among plenty of active Civilian members.

In January of 2023, we re-opened and decided it was time to give it another try. At BSRP our main strength is having a dedicated group of people who are always ready to adapt to the ever growing community that FiveM has to offer and try to provide some of the best experiences we can offer, while at the same time providing a community for those who are looking to meet new friendly faces and create new relationships.

We hope you join us along for the ride, and follow us down a bright path!

Discord Link:


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