Russia Ukraine War – YOUR Questions Answered

#Ukraine #Putin #Russia #Avdiivka #Avdeevka #Biden #zelensky


28 thoughts on “Russia Ukraine War – YOUR Questions Answered”

  1. The US policies has been disastrous for average Americans and the rest of the world ( way more ) but not for US deep state ( Vanguards’, the Raytheon’s and the BlackRocks’ )

    They may have alien technology & materials, all spy craft tools known & unknown to humanity .. and CIA, NSA and the entire security apparatus works for the deep state way more than elected govt .. and it has become a rogue agency ..

    Even presidents are as per their choice like the current one, Biden ..

  2. Not sure you're helping yourself. At the beginning of this podcast, you said Ukraine is our, Friend. HOW are they our Friend? The most Corrupt Country in Europe. Then, you called those of us who are seeking the Truth w/o Propaganda, Putin Apologists. What you're doing here is ,Double Talk with Gaslighting thrown in when it's helpful to your rhetoric. I used to Absolutely Love you & Respect You, but you've shown us that you're a Russophobe & turn a blind eye to Zelenskyy's ongoing Genocide using, Our Weapons in the Donbas. At least, we now see the Truth about you.

  3. I dont see how russia going for a negotiated "neutral" ukraine would make sense. It would be the pinnacle of naivety. I think Putin would be the world's most naive man if he allowed that. Whats to stop Ukraine from simply stocking/building up its army in the next decade and then leading to a repeat of this?
    The US will never stop meddling, the only way russia can keep Ukraine Neutral is by making it a failed state like the professor says. Its the only realistic option. Neutrality is essentially minsk. Whats the point? I think Putin merely talks about negotiation for diplomatic reasons, he knows it wont happen, he knows he wont allow it.

  4. I have a problem with comment used expression ”full scale invasion” with an ambition simply destroy Ukraine. It is not, if it was Ukraine would have been a parking lot in march 2022. Russia still have large parts of its armed forces not engaged and not even in Ukraine.

  5. Ukraine is not one united country

    So whenever you say “ Ukraine wants”, “ Ukraine fights “ etc you are talking about one part of Ukraine

    Ukraine is a country that is pretty much divided in two opposing entities, with different identities and political views

    Just open the borders pf Ukraine for men and see how many Ukrainians actually want to fight. I promise you, the war would be ended in two days

    United States chose to intervene into a foreign country Ukraine, it chose to support one side of this divided country, by the way the side that constitutes a minority in Ukraine, that’s why they needed that aren’t cool, because they couldn’t get the geopolitical results they wanted through elections, Because the east of the country was more populated and always voted pro Russian

    When you say that Ukraine wants to be “free and independent” and wants to fight Russia, you also are talking only about one part of Ukraine

    And by the way, there is no discussion about Stefan Bandera, he did not fight against the germans, that’s just a fake history

  6. As a former military officer, I can understand your pro-American stance. The bias does remain clear, and I can describe it as being somewhat dismissive of Russia as incomparable to the American military, and it's understandable. Hopefully we never get to see these two superpowers in a direct confrontation as some of the powers that be seem hell bent on. War is hell. Even without nuclear weapons, it would be utterly devastating to both sides, as well as the world which is not what's needed at the moment. It shouldn't be a problem if those outside the "golden billion" get to rise at some point, rather it should be taken as complimentary. No group should EVER get to collectivise and rule the world.

  7. A SMO is far from total war in Russian law. A lot of restrictions. If it was a declared war it wouldn't have lasted this long. Full mobilization from the start. It still far from it. In a declared war Zelensky and his leadership would have been decapitated at the start. There are restrictions on a SMO.

  8. There is legal justification.

    There was no legal justification for Afghanistan Iraq, Syria Libya Vietnam Korea. But I’ll bet you like to scream Hooah a lot over those illegal Wars. It’s like beating your head against a wall. Unlike yourself I woke up to what my country has done to the World. You have not.

  9. I can't listen to a guy who doesn't take into account one of the most critical components of this war. ISR, Tell me how you build, train, and deploy a concentration of forces without getting the crap blown out of you by a side who SEE everything you do? That's probably the main reason why Iraq was such an easy victory. If Russia told the Iraqis where all the American forces were, I don't think it would've been that easy.

  10. Greetings from Romania,I heard about your channel from the Duran,I have to say the way you combine analysis with short videos either to analyze on them or sustain specific arguments is brilliant,the other channels use newspaper articles ,but I think this is more effective, kudos to you,is kind of old good days objective MSM reporting ,I think you should have 2 million subscribers not 20000 , I hope you will achieve much more.One more thing , I know this is not quite the profile of your channel,but it will be interesting if you can do a in depth analysis of the entire Avdeevka operation from the russian general Mordvichev POV , I think your expert opinion will be well cherish.Thank you!

  11. The clip you played still shown it as Russia was the lone aggressor from 2014 on talking about crimea. While skipping the first part where the west (at the very least) supported the coup government. If not totally funding and fomenting 6he coup. Then what happened in Odessa where a bunch of Russian speaking ukrainians were burnt alive. And then Russia took Crimea. Hypothetically. Also European countries were signatories to the Minsk agreement 1 and 2 because western Ukraine broke the 1st one then if you look at Ukraine's artillery shell usage in the days leading up to the beginning of the war, i might kinda seem like someone was trying to provoke this conflict as horrific as that sounds.


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